

Iran has developed an 'improved' variant of its Shahed-129 unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), which was displayed by the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) for...

Defence manufacturer Northrop Grumman is tackling one of the biggest developing problems of fighter jets: cyber risk. Tom Vice, President at Northrop Grumman Aerospace...

As we all know, technology never rests. Every day we are witnessing progress and advancements and technologies like which we have never seen before....

SQream Technologies has opened a unique columnar Database based on the computerized power of GPU. This is the only columnar database today which allows...

Autonomous ground vehicles and aircraft provide untold benefits to troops around the world. They can (and do) perform some of the more dangerous tasks,...

Orbital ATK has just made aerospace history by successfully testing a 3D printed hypersonic engine combustor at NASA’s Langley Research Centre in Virginia. The...

On Monday, 22 February, Russia filed a request to fly a spy plane loaded with surveillance equipment over the United States. To the uninformed,...

Since the dawn of time man dreamed of overcoming the barriers of language. Our most primal myths warn us of the troubles of disjointed...

A new compact, lightweight weapon will stop a target in their tracks from a hundred meters away without harming them. Introducing the Pogojet. Most non-lethal...

In simpler times, policing was about maintaining presence in a community. A local cop could know everyone and everything in his neighbourhood. And that’s...

Talend, the global leader in big data integration software, reported record company revenues in Q3 fueled by the tremendous growth of its Big Data...

US can’t be successful in banning encryption as it is a global phenomenon, according to Harvard study. Despite over two years’ efforts by the...

While each person might define it in different terms, Big Data is basically this: A collection of data from traditional and digital sources for...

Zvi Brunner, Vice President of Technology at Team Group The field of defense is the first to adopt new and advanced technologies. Cyber systems, for...

Yanai Milstein,  Informatica Business Unit Manager, Aman Group In the data systems we’ve known for so many years, the heart of these systems is the...

Like with most other technological advancements, it’s the military that is likely to finally bring about the adoption of autonomous vehicles. The US Army...

A new as yet British Micro Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (Micro-UAV) could herald the future of drones. The innovation behind it stems from what its...

Electronic warfare, espionage, and hacking are now a reality of everyday life. While most of us go about without giving a second thought to...

By Arie Egozi “Big Brother” likes his information in large quantities, but neat so he won’t have any trouble seeing what is important. This is...

EPFL Scientists have developed a new soft robotic gripper -- made out of rubber and stretchable electrodes -- that can bend and pick up...

Members of the general public operating unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) are a “a real and growing threat” to civilian aircraft, warns Tony Tyler, director-general...

By now, Smart Cities seem almost an inevitability. With more and more cities implementing city projects to modernise interactions between governments, citizens, and the...