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Cool Tech And Gadgets

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Training Robots Using Audio

A team of roboticists from Stanford University and the Toyota Research Institute found that when training robots, adding audio data to visual data improves...
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The Truth Behind the Mask – the Revolutionary Algorithm that Recognizes...

Many industries nowadays want the ability to take the audio of a conversation and know the true feelings and hidden intentions of the speaker,...
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Smart Clothes Innovation Turns Everyday Clothes into Motion Trackers

Innovative wearable tech uses conductive threads stitched into clothes that can record body movements. They are called SeamSleeve and were created by a team...
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Face-Detecting Camera Can Recognize Drunk Drivers

Researchers from Edith Cowan University have developed a new computer tracking technology that uses camera footage to detect drunk drivers. The scientists took data and...
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Revolutionary Jumping Robot Can Reach Higher than Big Ben

A team of researchers at the University of Manchester designed a revolutionary robot that performed the world’s highest-ever jumps by utilizing a combination of...
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In-Body Soft Robots Revolutionize Robotic Medicine

Researchers from the University of North Carolina used artificial muscles and electronic skins to create advanced soft robots that are incredibly effective and safe...
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The Innovation Revolutionizing Night-Vision Technology

The new approach to night vision technology includes an ultra-light infrared filter that is thinner than cling wrap and can transform regular glasses into...
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Airbus Debuts Innovative Unmanned Wingman Drone at ILA Exhibition

Airbus announced it will unveil “the Wingman concept” at the International Aerospace Exhibition (ILA) in Berlin. This latest innovation introduces a new era of...
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Machines Get Human-Like Perception with the World’s Fastest Vision Chip

Scientists created Tianmouc – the world’s first brain-inspired vision chip capable of sensing 10,000 frames per second, efficiently handling extreme scenarios, and ensuring system...
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The Thinnest Lens in History Is 3 Atoms Thick

Researchers from the Institute of Physics (IOP) at the University of Amsterdam collaborated with researchers from Stanford University in the US to make the...
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Will The Touchscreens of the Future be Soft?

Computer scientists at the University of Bath in the UK developed a touch screen that can be warped through finger pressure, becoming softer or...
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Using AI to Conceal Confidential Information in Images

Researchers from Japan, China, and Finland created a system that replaces confidential parts of images with visually similar alternatives using GenAI. The researchers created...

Revolutionary Technology Makes Water from Air

The UN Food and Agriculture Organization states that half of the global population faces water scarcity at least once a month. While desalination plants...
image from video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8cmpR3J5gbY&ab_channel=SiliconSynapseLab

Revolutionary Snake-Inspired Robot Can Move and Manipulate Objects

Snake-inspired robots have many advantages over conventional wheeled or legged ones, like adapting the shape of their body, entering narrow spaces and moving freely...
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Electronic Spider Silk Can Be Printed Directly onto Skin

Researchers from the University of Cambridge developed adaptive and eco-friendly spider-silk-inspired sensors that can be directly and imperceptibly printed onto biological surfaces, from flower...
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These Wearable Fibers can Generate and Store Energy

Researchers from the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) have developed new battery and solar fibers for wearable electronics with an ambition to develop...
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Tiny Metalens Cameras Revolutionize Small Technologies with AI Power

Deep learning techniques are advancing the image quality of metalens in a method that leverages AI to upscale images, making metalens cameras useful for...
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Revolutionary Robotic Hand Can Feel Just Like A Human

This revolutionary “feeling” robot hand could pave the way for new tactile prosthetics and robotics. Researchers from Uppsala University and Karolinska Institutet in Sweden...
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Revolutionary Contact Lenses Can Control Human-Machine Interaction

These smart contact lenses for human-machine interaction (HMI) track eye movements and can be used for health care and augmented reality (AR) applications. They...
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Studies Warn That AI Has Learned to Deceive Humans

A significant number of artificial intelligence systems were revealed to have developed the ability to deceive humans, a troubling pattern that raises serious concerns...
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No Need for Fuel – This Spacecraft Uses Air to Propel...

This satellite system has no fuel but rather sucks in the air to propel itself forward, providing unlimited propulsion for longer-duration orbital operations. While...
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Microsoft Launched Chatbot for Intelligence Agencies

Tech giant Microsoft recognized the need for a fully secure AI system for handling sensitive intelligence data and created a “chatbot for spies” that...


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Data Breaches Are Connected to Mass Layoffs, Research

A research team from Binghamton University and the State University of New York explains the connection between mass layoffs and data breaches, theorizing that...