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Cool Tech And Gadgets

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This Device Generates Infinite Electricity from Seawater

Researchers at the Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials (KIMM) have unveiled a groundbreaking energy harvester that generates continuous electricity from seawater. This innovative...
Picture from UW video

This Wearable Device Converts Body Heat to Electricity

Researchers at the University of Washington have unveiled a groundbreaking wearable device capable of converting body heat into electricity. This innovative prototype not only...
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Magnet-Powered Prosthetic Hand Transforms Lives of Amputees with Enhanced Control

Researchers at the BioRobotics Institute of the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna in Pisa have developed the world’s first magnet-controlled prosthetic hand, offering a significant advancement...
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Call for Technologies: Defense Industry Seeks AI Solutions

iHLS, in collaboration with a large defense industry is looking for companies with proven capabilities in several areas to participate in a demonstration of...
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Revolutionary Nanotechnology Could Charge Devices with Movement

Researchers at Surrey University's Advanced Technology Institute (ATI) have developed groundbreaking nanotechnology that may eliminate the issue of wearable devices running out of charge...
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Tiny Batteries Could Power Miniscule Robots

Engineers at MIT have developed a tiny battery that could revolutionize the field of micro-robotics, facilitating the implementation of robotics to applications that require...
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New Chalk-Based Coating Cools Clothes

A newly developed groundbreaking chalk-based fabric that promises to significantly enhance comfort during outdoor activities, particularly in the summer heat. Created by scientists at...
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Digital Twin AI Assistants Now on the Market

Ever wanted to have lunch with your favorite artist? Maybe ask for some advice on your startup from Elon Musk? Now, a San Francisco-based...
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Next-Generation Heat-Resistant Gear: Adaptive Soft Robotic Fabric Enhances Safety and Comfort

Protective thermal clothing is essential for the safety of those who work in extreme high-temperature environments, such as firefighters or steelworkers. However, the current...
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China Unveils Advanced Bird-Like Drone for Covert Reconnaissance Operations

In newly released footage quickly gaining widespread attention, China has showcased a remarkably realistic bird-like drone, which appears to be designed mainly for reconnaissance...
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Drinking the Atmosphere: The Compact Device that Can Make Water from...

Our atmosphere contains large amounts of water, and apparently, it can even be harvested and used to make drinking water. New research from the...
Image taken from video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2sWWRY9oF0

This 3D-Printed Robotic Fabric Can Be Used for Soft Robotics and...

A team of scientists at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore have been able to develop a versatile fabric that is flexible but can become...
Image from IIT video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O8BqvAe-moI

Revolutionizing Waste Management: Introducing VERO, the Autonomous Robot for Cleaner Environments

Researchers at the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT) in Genoa have developed VERO (Vacuum-cleaner-equipped RObot), a specialized autonomous robot designed to remove waste, particularly...
Robot Dog. image by pixabay

Robot Guide Dogs in China Aim to Assist the Visually Impaired

A group of researchers in Shanghai, China has developed a six-legged robotic guide dog intended to assist the visually impaired in a country where...
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New Flexible, Wearable Sensors Perform Real-Time Intelligent Monitoring

Lyuliang University researchers combined cutting-edge technology with sports science to create a tool that can track athletes and help them reach their full potential....
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British Army Tests Wearable Drone-Controlling, Laser-Detecting Tech

The British Army is reportedly in the process of testing several new, wearable military technologies, some of which can detect lasers and even control...
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New Brain Chip Revolutionizes Treatment of Parkinson’s Patients

Inbrain Neuroelectronics' new brain implant can both read signals and stimulate brain impulses, with brain-computer interface (BCI) that uses graphene to create a high-resolution...
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Sci-Fi Spacesuit Turns Bodily Fluids into Drinking Water

A major problem for astronauts performing spacewalks is very basic - how to relieve themselves. An innovative invention from Cornell University collects and filters...
Yasha Iravantchi looks like an anonymous stick figure in this monitor connected to PrivacyLens. Credit: Brenda Ahearn, Michigan Engineering.

The Smart Camera Sees You as a Stick Figure and Protects...

PrivacyLens is a new camera that prevents companies from collecting identifiable photos and videos from smart devices. Today’s world is filled with smart devices that...
image by Meixiang Wang, NC State University

Strong Stretchable Gel-Like Screens for Flexible Electronics

Researchers from North Carolina State University created a material that is both hard and stretchy –glassy gels contain more than 50% liquid and are...
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Training Robots Using Audio

A team of roboticists from Stanford University and the Toyota Research Institute found that when training robots, adding audio data to visual data improves...
image provided by Emotion Logic

The Truth Behind the Mask – the Revolutionary Algorithm that Recognizes...

Many industries nowadays want the ability to take the audio of a conversation and know the true feelings and hidden intentions of the speaker,...


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New System Suggests an Innovative Approach to Space-Based Solar Power

Aetherflux, a U.S.-based startup founded by physicist Baiju Bhatt, is setting its sights on revolutionizing space-based solar power (SBSP) by developing a scalable and...