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Smart Clothes Innovation Turns Everyday Clothes into Motion Trackers

Innovative wearable tech uses conductive threads stitched into clothes that can record body movements. They are called SeamSleeve and were created by a team...

INNOFENSE Open Call For Dual-Use Technologies

INNOFENSE Call for startups – Dual-Use Technologies: Following the immense success of the previous four cycles and their integration into the defense sector, iHLS invites...
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INNOFENSE Call for startups – Dual Use Technologies

Following the immense success of the previous four cycles and their integration into the defense sector, iHLS invites you to join the fifth cycle...
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INNOFENSE Open Call for Dual-Use Startups

INNOFENSE Call for startups – Dual Use Technologies: Following the immense success of the previous four cycles and their integration into the defense sector, iHLS...

INNOFENSE Call for startups – Dual Use Technologies:

Following the immense success of the previous four cycles and their integration into the defense sector, iHLS invites you to join the fifth cycle...
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Sustainable Aerogels for Wearable Tech Enhanced by AI and Robotics

Engineers at the University of Maryland developed a model combining machine learning and collaborative robotics to solve challenges in the design of materials used...
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Revolutionary Non-Invasive Health Monitoring Device

A known and existing method of non-invasive health monitoring is through our sweat, which contains biomarkers that can detect various health conditions from diabetes...
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Electronic Spider Silk Can Be Printed Directly onto Skin

Researchers from the University of Cambridge developed adaptive and eco-friendly spider-silk-inspired sensors that can be directly and imperceptibly printed onto biological surfaces, from flower...
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These Wearable Fibers can Generate and Store Energy

Researchers from the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) have developed new battery and solar fibers for wearable electronics with an ambition to develop...
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The Danger of Wearable Devices and Harvested Personal Data

Wearable devices can collect continuous data about their wearer, even without their knowledge, from sleep patterns to heart fitness. This makes them increasingly prominent...
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Revolutionary Contact Lenses Can Control Human-Machine Interaction

These smart contact lenses for human-machine interaction (HMI) track eye movements and can be used for health care and augmented reality (AR) applications. They...
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Soft Microneedles Set to Redefine Healthcare

From stimulating the brain to delivering medication, this innovation is set to change healthcare significantly. Medical technology keeps progressing and personalized medicine is making it...
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UK Passes Laws to Protect Consumers Against Cyberattacks

The UK enacts new laws to protect consumers against hacking and cyberattacks. The laws will enforce consumer protections and mandate that internet-connected smart devices...
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The Flexible Revolution of Wearable Electronics

As people use more and more electronic wearables, the industry had to find better energy storage solutions that will be able to match the flexibility...
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The Screens of The Future Can React to Your Pulse and...

While today’s touch screens are just displays with an array of sensors on top, this new innovation could bring the next generation of touch...
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Smart Textiles Powered by The Human Body

Researchers have created fiber-based electronics that harness electromagnetic energy in the atmosphere, using the human body as part of the circuit. This fiber electronic technology...
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Innovative Conductive Fiber Can Enhance Wearable Electronics

A team of engineers recently developed a type of conductive fiber that can be woven into clothes to give them the capabilities of smart...
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Stretchable Solar Cells- The Future of Green Energy?

Solar cells as an energy source are integral for building electrical devices, but high-efficiency solar cells often lack flexibility, therefore their application in wearable...
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New Wearable Nanotechnology Revolutionizes Health Monitoring

Engineers at the University of Delaware are revolutionizing human health monitoring using clothing- or more precisely- using nanomaterial-based sensors embedded in clothing, called "Henswear." The team,...
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Solar Powered Clothing – The Future of Wearable Technology

A team of engineers, materials scientists, and chemists at Nankai University in China has developed a new and innovative microfiber-based meta-fabric that provides full-day...
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The Future of Sustainable Wearable Electronics

Researchers from the Department of Chemistry at UNIST reached a milestone in sustainable wearable devices. The team’s revolutionary method enables closed-loop recycling of organic electronic...
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These Powerful Lasers Fit on your Fingertip

Scientists have created a revolutionarily small ultrafast mode-locked laser system. An ultrafast mode-locked laser system is a type of system that generates extremely short pulses...


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Improving Automatic Software Repair

FIXCHECK is a new approach to improve patch fix analysis that combines static analysis, randomized testing, and large language models, created by IMDEA Software...