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The Danger of Wearable Devices and Harvested Personal Data

Wearable devices can collect continuous data about their wearer, even without their knowledge, from sleep patterns to heart fitness. This makes them increasingly prominent...
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Cybergangs Are Using AI-Generated Code – What Are the Implications?

Cybercriminals impersonating legitimate German companies are attacking organizations across various industries in the country using AI, as was reported by cybersecurity company Proofpoint. The hackers,...
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Quantum Computers Just Turned 800 Times More Reliable

Quantum computing company Quantinuum and tech giant Microsoft claim they reached an “unprecedented” breakthrough in quantum computing reliability, drastically reducing error rates and physical...
Cyber intelligence. image by pixabay

Global Strategies to Accelerate AI in Science and Research

The International Science Council's Center for Science Futures published the report "Preparing National Research Ecosystems for AI: Strategies and Progress in 2024" to address...
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The Solution to AI’s Growing Energy Appetite – Nuclear Fusion

While artificial intelligence has been gaining immense and growing popularity, with companies releasing new versions on a monthly basis, there are also growing concerns...
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Blockchain Method Protects Personal User Data

Imagine this scenario: you enter a website, and before you can access any of the information there is an annoying popup asking you to...
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Can AI Replace Scientists?

AI based tools are already being used by scientists to help with scientific work, but research suggests that trusting AI might lead to more...
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Scientists Are Teaching AI Rules and Regulations to Make it More...

Just like it’s easier to teach someone than to expect them to learn independently as they go, experts claim we can improve artificial intelligence...
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New Approach Revolutionizes Quantum Computer Cybersecurity

Quantum computers can solve complex problems exponentially faster than classical computers and are hailed as the future of computing; however, they are still vulnerable...
Hardware. image by pixabay

Same Hardware – Double the Speed?

A new approach developed by researchers at the University of California can double the processing power of existing devices without any addition of hardware,...
Hardware. image by pixabay

Experts Claim AI Safety is Rooted in Hardware, Not Software

A major new report calls for the regulation of the hardware that underpins all AI ("compute") to help prevent artificial intelligence misuse and disasters. Several...
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Can AI be Controlled? Expert Opinion

Some experts claim that there is no current evidence that AI can be controlled safely. And if so, should it even be developed? AI Safety...
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Like A Crystal Ball for Brands – Predicting and Managing Virality

Social media is an unprecedented landscape of opportunities and hazards for brands. One Tweet can make your brand soar to the heights of popularity...
data and cyber. image by pixabay

Learning App Data Leaks – Exposing Millions

A mere misconfigured database has exposed more than two million user records on LectureNotes Learning App, a platform for sharing class notes. Back in December...
smart city. image by pixabay

Smarter eco-cities, AI and AI of Things

Smarter eco-cities are intelligent urban environments that leverage cutting-edge Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) solutions to address and mitigate environmental challenges. The integration of AIoT...
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Deep Fakes and Identity Decentralization

The growing trend of AI-generated content and deep fakes is making us lose our trust in the internet. Can identity decentralization be the solution?...
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China’s New AI Model Predicts Movements on the Battlefield

Scientists from the PLA (People's Liberation Army) Strategic Support Force in China are reportedly training a military AI system to predict what potential enemy...
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AI is Endangering the Planet – Here’s Why

In this time when people, companies, and governments are obsessed with generative artificial intelligence, the intense interest has brought with it fears of the...
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Revolutionary High-Speed Signal Processor Analyzes 400,000 Images at the Same Time

A team of global scientists has introduced an ultra-high speed signal processor that can analyze 400,000 real-time video images at the same time, potentially...
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Tech Giants Are Controlling AI- And That’s Dangerous

In today’s AI-obsessed landscape, the centralization of AI expertise among a select few private corporations has significant implications for the future of technology and...
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Call for Startups – iHLS Innovation Centre

iHLS is an accelerator for the security sector and its various unique characteristics that provides startups with recognition, international exposure, access to investors and...
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Data Brokers Offer Sensitive US Military Data for 12 Cents

Sensitive data about military personnel and their families, including information on health, finances, religion, and location, is accessible and up for sale for as little as...


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Improving Automatic Software Repair

FIXCHECK is a new approach to improve patch fix analysis that combines static analysis, randomized testing, and large language models, created by IMDEA Software...