Non-Lethal Weapons Required

A new generation of non-lethal weapons – and the advent of small drones able to carry them – offers new options for armies preparing...

Non-Lethal Laser Exposed at Unexpected Arena

Submarines are at their most vulnerable when transiting on the surface in busy waterways. As such, force protection is critical in order to shield...

New Non-Lethal Weapon Fills Operational Gap

Coping with crowd control missions, security and military forces often lack safe, non-lethal weapons with sufficient range.  While rubber bullets are only effective out to...
Photo 2 Protector by Rafael

Egozi: Unmanned Killer Boats’ Growing Role

By Arie Egozi The problem is universal and some countries are now confronted by it in a growing pace and severity. An exclusive economic zone (EEZ)...
non-lethal non-painful weapon

Law Enforcement’s New Non-Lethal Non-Painful Weapon

A new device, developed mainly for law enforcement agencies, is allowing officers to use force to stop suspects without causing them any pain. The...

Handheld, Quiet, and Non-Lethal: China’s Solution to Riots

Chinese scientists have recently developed a new nonlethal weapon to be used against rioters and protestors by police officers as an alternative to lethal...
Photo illus US Air Force

Innovative Developments in Nonlethal Systems

Rubber bullets and tear gas are not the only nonlethal weapons available in dispersing illegal demonstrations. The US Marines have been recently testing a...
Photo illust. Wikimedia

Plasma Laser Balls Developed to Deter People From Carrying out Violence  

Deterring people from engaging in violence has always been a very difficult task. Realistically, there will never be a legitimate solution to it since...
Photo illust. US Navy

Familiar Weapon Gets Unexpected Features

Stun grenades are a non-lethal weapon used by law enforcement, SWAT teams and military servicemen in order to temporarily disorient a suspect’s or an...

Watch Drone Operated in SWAT Mission

A small unmanned aerial vehicle (sUAV) was used during a barricade incident involving a robbery suspect, demonstrating capabilities in SWAT operations. For the first...

New Electric Zapper for Law Enforcement K9 Operation

The use of K9 by law enforcement and security agencies in riot and crowd control, physical protection and other emergency situations has proven to...

Chinese Underwater Bot Breaks Record

A Chinese underwater bot has recently set the record a national depth record for a remotely operated vehicle. The robot drove 6,001 meters below sea...

New Non-Lethal System May Have Far-Reaching Consequences

A new non-lethal technology could be also used for lethal applications. The U.S. Marine Corps is developing a laser crowd control device which can...

LiDAR Will Protect You from Autonomous Systems

As integration of both autonomous drones and driverless cars in our societies approaches, the race to safety in both industries increases, as to keep...

12 HLS Verticals Impacted by Emerging Technologies

With the advent of technologies such as artificial intelligence, robotics, quantum computing, the Internet of Things, augmented reality, materials science, 3-D printing, and data...

Non-Lethal Weapon to Bridge Gap Between Baton and Taser

A non-lethal development may be useful to military and law enforcement agencies. The StunStick device, an electro-muscular incapacitation system designed to subdue its targets...

Israeli Drone Supplies New Non-Lethal Response to Riots

Over the backdrop to the recent riots in the Gaza Strip border and the West Bank, Israel’s DDR&D (MAFAAT) of the Ministry of Defense...

UASs to Be Integrated with US Rotary-Wing Fleet

The US Army’s Future Vertical Lift cross-functional team wants to integrate new unmanned aerial systems into its family of rotary-wing aircraft, according to the...

Non-Lethal Laser Technologies to Be Used in Riots

The US Pentagon has been developing innovative non-lethal technologies. Its Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate (JNLWD) is on the brink of developing a laser system...

New Game-Changer in Less-Lethal Munitions for Law Enforcement

A new munition product addressing the less-lethal market was recently launched. The patented technology allows for delivering a significantly greater kinetic energy in a...
electroshock weapon

New Electroshock Weapon is Based on Wireless Tech

A revolutionary wireless electroshock weapon is in the process of issue by the US Patent Office. The device is defined as a non-lethal weapon...
smart weapons

Next Generation of Smart Weapons

More and more law enforcement agencies prefer smart weapons as a less lethal solution for the use of force in public safety missions. Conducted...


Image provided by pixabay

Data Breaches Are Connected to Mass Layoffs, Research

A research team from Binghamton University and the State University of New York explains the connection between mass layoffs and data breaches, theorizing that...