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Wireless AI Enhances Security in Critical Sites

A new wireless AI blockchain technology is going to change the way airports manage security checks. Smart security trays will connect with passengers without...
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Airport Security Reaches New Horizons

An airport passenger’s identity will be verified and he or she could move through security in about 6 to 10 seconds thanks to new...
airport security - photo illus. airport by Pixabay

New Hybrid Scanner to Enhance Airport Security

Cargo security checks in airports for the detection of explosives and other illegal substances are usually based on X-ray technology. While these scanners are...
photo illust. by pixabay

Biometric Solution for Improving Security at Airport Staff Access Points

Airport operator Fraport recently launched its “Biometrics@Controllane” project to improve security at staff access control points using biometric solutions. Among the partners invited to...
photo illus. airport by pixabay

New Touch-Free Airport Security Screening Systems

Over 300 of Analogic Corporation’s ConneCT computed tomography (CT) screening systems will be installed at airport security checkpoints across the United States. Greater Rochester...
Photo illus. by Pixabay no drone sign

More Extensive Counter-Drone Policy Due to Increasing Drone Threat

There are over 800,000 registered drones in the US, according to news agencies. The US Administration is seeking expanded powers to detect and disable...
airport security - photo illus. airport by Pixabay

Ransomware Attacks on European Transportation Targets

A ransomware attack on a Swiss airport could be part of a larger campaign. Airport ground services and air cargo operator Swissport has been...
Photo illust Pixabay

Safer Operation – Thanks to New Airport Baggage Platform

A new airport luggage handling solution is said to accelerate speed and safety. Indira Gandhi International (IGI) Airport operator Delhi International Airport Limited (DIAL)...
airport security tactics

Self-Screen and Board

Passenger screening automation will create the next-generation screening experience at airports. A new program by the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and...
airport illust photo Pixabay

DHS’ Future Research Topics

The US Department of Homeland Security has exposed the areas of interest it plans to advance next year with small business partners. A request...

E-Commerce’s Weakest Link 

The rapid increase of global air cargo volume, due to the rise of e-commerce and customer demands for expedited delivery of goods, has substantially...

MILIPOL Paris Exhibition – HLS Market Trends

By Or Shalom, HLS expert MILIPOL exhibition, held in Paris from October 19 to October 22, 2021, under the auspices of the French Ministry of...

Attend INNOTECH Cyber, HLS & Innovation Event!

iHLS is proud to present INNOTECH 2021 - the International Cyber, Homeland Security Technologies and Innovation event. A large two-day exhibition with national pavilions...

Detector Dogs Have New Role in Airports

Studies have demonstrated that detector dogs are one of the most reliable tools available to identify substances based on the odors they emit. Previous...

Another Drone Attack on Saudi Airport

Drone attacks on airports are again in the spotlight, becoming a more and more frequent threat in the Middle East. Ten people were injured...
Photo illus. drone - by PIKIST

Counter-UAV Tactical Responses – Insights from US DoD Experiment 2021

By Or Shalom In recent years, the threat of unmanned aerial vehicles on critical infrastructures and vessels has been a growing security challenge. The use...
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New Airport Security Technology Unveiled

New technologies have been recently applied by the US Transportation Security Administration (TSA) at its checkpoints at airports, due to COVID-19 constraints.  A security game-changer...

Dual-Use Radiation Detection Tech Unveiled

Current portable radiation detectors are fragile, bulky and expensive. A research team from the University of Texas at Dallas developed a cheaper and more...
remote air traffic control

This System Controls Air Traffic from a 1000 Km Distance

Remote air traffic control enables the management of multiple airports from one site. A new center for remote air traffic control began operating at...
Photo illust Pixabay

New Kind of Security Checkup Tested in Airport

Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (SEA) is testing technologies to modernize the travel experience and help people stay safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. SEA Spot Saver is...
airport security

5G Network to Accelerate Operations in Leading Int’l Airport

Various applications of the Internet of Things (IoT) in airports, automated vehicles on the runway and mobile security systems involve large quantities of data....
Photo illus. by Pixabay no drone sign

New Player in Counter-Drone Technology

Italy has been increasingly active in drone detection and neutralization technology. Its military is testing the use of direct-energy beams in blasting hostile or...


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Russia Deploys Nuclear-Powered Missile with “Near Unlimited” Range

Recent research claims to have detected that Russia is advancing its military capabilities with the deployment of a new type of nuclear-powered cruise missile,...