First Responders

First Responders

rescue simulator

In the event of a disaster, first responder teams can be faced with the challenge of searching for survivors, and in situations such as...
Photo Hermes Starliner UAV by Elbit Systems

For the first time ever, the Civil Aviation Authority of the State of Israel (CAAI), that operates under the Israeli Ministry of Transport and...

The Israeli Defense Ministry’s Directorate of Research and Development (DDR&D, or MAFAT) has signed a technological cooperation agreement with the Public Security Ministry. The agreement...

First response and public safety operations have been confronting emerging and continuing threats, such as cyber-attacks and COVID-19 implications. Using data to drive changes in...

The Netherlands Defence Materiel Organization (DMO) has awarded Bristow Group, a provider of vertical flight solutions, a contract to provide its Coastguard with search...
photo illus. first responders by Pixabay

The public safety market is rapidly adopting the use of tactical drones and the application of Drones as First Responder. Now, first responders and...

Climate change is not only the concern of environmentalists. The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has been increasingly focusing on adapting to climate...
Photo illust Pexels

Drones help survey disaster areas, providing first responder teams with the situational awareness required for coping with the challenges. However, sometimes drone imagery doesn’t...

Every minute counts when you are dealing with a search and rescue mission. Drone technology can cut the response time and save lives. A...

Electric vehicles manufactured by established automakers are poised to play a significant role in the proliferation of this technology that produces significantly fewer planet-warming...
Astro - robot dog by Florida Atlantic University-

The US Air Force has been experimenting with how laser sensors, on drones and robots, can map damage in facilities and buildings in dangerous...
Photo illus. drone first response by Wikimedia-

In emergencies, first responders and safety agencies need to be able to share precise real-time information. A new video link feature provides drone operators...

A series of 17 patents granted to Amazon for its Ring products over the last two years seems to suggest the company is working...

A new door breaching grenade technology will improve Explosive Method of Entry (EMOE) operations and provide more safety for breaching teams. The 40mm stand-off...
Photo illust. Wikimedia

Human DNA is 99.9 percent identical and only 0.1 percent difference in it makes each of us genetically different from one another. During a...
maritime security

An integration of several data systems will help search and rescue teams locate survivors, enabling crucial data to serve coastguard operators. The technology is...

Researchers from Stanford University developed a bird-inspired drone technology. Years of study on animal-inspired robots enabled them to build their own perching robot. Using...
Photo illustration Wikimedia US Marines

Increasing new security concerns worldwide have accelerated the development of a wide range of innovative solutions in the fields of first response, air defense,...

Flooding affects public health and safety, mobility, infrastructure, and the city’s economy. In the face of climate change, access to real-time data is the...

The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is interested in new technologies in public safety, rescue response and more. The DHS issued a request...

In an emergency situation when every second counts and time is a critical factor, communications and accurate positioning are vital to the work of...

Research work supported by the US DoD’s advanced research projects DARPA might contribute to seeing around the corner. Future uses might lead to the...
