This New Deadly Kamikaze Drone Can Reach 400 KPH

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EOS Technologie recently unveiled its newest ‘kamikaze’ drone that can reach speeds of up to 400 kph. Called the Veloce 330, this medium-range remotely operated munition was commissioned by France’s procurement agency.

As reported by the company, the drone traveled 50 km in 16 minutes in its third phase of flight testing, giving it a top speed of 400 kph while using only half of its fuel tank. It will reportedly have an anti-tank warhead, would be able to operate in a GPS-denied environment, would have reconnaissance abilities and could be remotely operated over medium ranges.

According to Interesting Engineering, the Veloce 330 uses vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) technology and has a GPS-independent and jamming-resistant navigation system. It can also carry out intelligence missions thanks to its optronic sphere that can detect vehicles up to 14 km away in the daytime and 3 km at night.

The next step seems to be to transform the UAV into a remotely operated munition that will be able to penetrate tank armor. Additionally, the company announced that the drone would always take orders from its operators to ensure the munition would not carry out automated missions.

Interestingly enough, France historically had not prioritized UAVs or loitering munitions, but has recently changed its stance and began showing interest in developing such capabilities. In 2022 the country launched two remotely operated munitions projects namely Colibri and Larinae that were meant to neutralize an armored vehicle located 4.8 and 50 km away, respectively. They also seem to prioritize easy-to-handle UAVs to reduce the training time needed for troops.

In conclusion, France is not the only country that is suddenly showing an interest in drones and UAVs, as such tools and weapons are increasingly being used in warfare to suit multiple needs all over the world.