IoT. image by pixabay

INNOFENSE Call for startups – Dual-Use Technologies

iHLS and the Ministry of Defense invite you to join the fifth cycle of INNOFENSE and receive a remarkable opportunity to showcase your technology...
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Dual-Use Startups Open Call

INNOFENSE Call for startups – Dual-Use Technologies: Following the immense success of the previous four cycles and their integration into the defense sector, iHLS invites...
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INNOFENSE Open Call for Dual-Use Startups

INNOFENSE Call for startups – Dual Use Technologies: Following the immense success of the previous four cycles and their integration into the defense sector, iHLS...

INNOFENSE Call for startups – Dual Use Technologies:

Following the immense success of the previous four cycles and their integration into the defense sector, iHLS invites you to join the fifth cycle...
Satellite orbit. image by pixabay

Satellites Predict Earthquakes 19 Days in Advance

Being able to prepare for a coming earthquake could save lives, with better evacuation and planning – a new study suggests that this could...
drone. image by pixabay

Drones Use AI System to Find Lost Hikers

Three engineers from the University of Glasgow designed and built an AI-based drone system to help search efforts for hikers lost in the wilderness. While...
helicopter. image by pixabay

Revolutionary Life-Saving Tech Helps Find Missing Persons

Lifeseeker is a new kind of technology that could help Search and Rescue teams find missing people in mere minutes by tracking their cellphones,...
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Rescue Missions to Benefit from Computer-Mounted Cyborg Roach Swarms

Scientists introduce cyborg insects as a solution to the limitations of traditional robots in swarm navigation. New research integrates living insects with miniature electronic controllers...
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Solar-Electric VTOL Drone Can Fly For 3 Days

The US Navy is going to get KHA’s solar-powered K1000ULE drone, which will be used as part of their Small Unit Remote Scouting System....
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The Israeli Technology Saving Firefighters Worldwide

The most important thing in dangerous situations is being aware of one’s spatial location, especially when that space is a burning building. Firefighters worldwide...
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Fighting Forest Fires with Drone Swarms

Researchers at the Indian Institute of Science are using multiple drone swarms to deal with forest fires, which are becoming increasingly common worldwide due...
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Innovative Search and Rescue Drones Use Noise Cancellation to Find Victims

The use of drones and UAVs has grown immensely in various fields during the past few years. A main area of interest is search...
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New Worm-Inspired Robot Revolutionizes World of Robotics

Snakelike, limbless robots would be extremely useful in search-and-rescue situations where they could navigate collapsed buildings to find and assist survivors, easily moving through...
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Can a 100-Drone-Swarm Be Controlled by One Person?

Research from Oregon State University shows that a "swarm" of over 100 autonomous ground and aerial robots can be supervised by just one person....
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NASA’s Revolutionary Search and Rescue Technology

The international satellite-aided search and rescue initiative Cospas-Sarsat has been aided by NASA and enabled the development of multiple emergency location beacon types that...
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UAV Search and Rescue System

A Team of experts from Malaysia suggests a practical solution for search and rescue operations that involves a real-time human detection system using a...
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World’s Fastest, Smallest Robot

Washington State University develops two insect-like robots – a mini-bug and a water strider are the smallest, lightest, and fastest fully functional micro-robots ever...
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Artificial Intelligence Against Child Trafficking

AI investigative tools will be used to help find missing children and combat the advanced technology used by abusers and traffickers. Human traffickers and sexual...
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Drones Navigating and Avoiding Obstacles in Real-Time

Researchers from CMI have tested a new technology for drones that lets them smartly maneuver and travel while avoiding obstructions during flight. The team...
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Reptilian Robots for Disaster Response Efforts

A pair of reptilian robots originally built for a documentary on the BBC in 2016 are to be used for disaster efforts and possibly...
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ChatGPT Could Help First Responders During Natural Disasters

A study conducted at University at Buffalo trains ChatGPT to recognize locations in disaster victims' social media posts and potentially help first responders reach...
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Search and Rescue Drone Uses Audio Detection Technology

Every minute counts when locating and saving natural disaster survivors, therefore the use of drones equipped with daylight and thermal imaging cameras is becoming...


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Data Breaches Are Connected to Mass Layoffs, Research

A research team from Binghamton University and the State University of New York explains the connection between mass layoffs and data breaches, theorizing that...