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British Army Tests Wearable Drone-Controlling, Laser-Detecting Tech

The British Army is reportedly in the process of testing several new, wearable military technologies, some of which can detect lasers and even control...
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Airbus Fighter Jets Get AI-Powered Drone Wingmen

Airbus reports that AI is set to play a vital role in the development of the various systems under the Future Combat Air System...
Image from video

Ukraine’s Sea Baby Drones Just Got Deadlier

Ukraine improves its autonomous maritime capability by upgrading its “Sea Baby” multi-purpose unmanned surface vehicle (USV), which is now primarily focused on providing security...
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Chinese Submarines with Lasers Could Take Down Starlink Satellites

China’s PLA released a study stating that Chinese submarines equipped with lasers could soon potentially disable Starlink satellites, which would significantly enhance China’s defense...
Guido de Croon / TU Delft|MAV Lab

Tiny Drone Gets AI Eyes to Navigate Autonomously

An autonomous navigation system for small, light drones inspired by insects combines visual homing (using visual cues for orientation) with odometry (measuring distance in...
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New Chinese Radar Penetrates US Navy’s Toughest Jamming Jet

The Chinese PLA navy’s ‘kill web’ defeated the US Navy’s EA-18G “Growler” electronic warfare (EW) systems using innovative AI. Chinese media released videos showing that...
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INNOFENSE Call for startups – Dual-Use Technologies

iHLS and the Ministry of Defense invite you to join the fifth cycle of INNOFENSE and receive a remarkable opportunity to showcase your technology...
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An Engine-Burning Laser Can Zap Drones Out of the Sky

South Korea’s Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) announced its deployment of the world’s first anti-drone laser weapons – called the “StarWars” project, it is...
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Yes, Robot! – A Third of the US Military Will be...

A former US Military General claims that robots and smart machinery will constitute a third of the US military within the next 15 years. We...
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Carbon Fiber Armored Submarine Drone Withstands 6,000 Meter Dive

Drone technology sees major breakthrough in the form of an ultra-strong carbon fiber hull suitable for large-scale production of high-performance underwater drones, created by...
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Meta Announces It Will Be Removing Posts Against “Zionists”

Meta released a statement on Tuesday this week saying it will start removing posts that label Jews "Zionists" and target them for malicious purposes. This...
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Open Call for Startups With Dual-Use Technologies

iHLS and the Ministry of Defense invite you to join the fifth cycle of INNOFENSE and receive a remarkable opportunity to showcase your technology...
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Russian ‘Social Media Bot Farm’ Spreads Fake News in the US

The FBI seized control of a Russia-owned AI-driven social media bot farm used to spread propaganda and disinformation in many countries, including the US....

New Revolutionary Chinese Radar Can Track Multiple Hypersonic Missiles

The new microwave photonic radar can track 10 hypersonic missiles traveling up to Mach 20 and distinguish between false positives and genuine targets with...
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Open Call for Dual-Technology Startups

iHLS and the Ministry of Defense invite you to join the fifth cycle of INNOFENSE and receive a remarkable opportunity to showcase your technology...
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AI power Revolutionizes EV Charging

Emobi and Autocrypt have partnered to create the first US Plug & Charge ecosystem that will revolutionize electric vehicle (EV) charging with the help...
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SeaGuardian Drone Gets New Long-Range Weapon

General Atomics MQ-9B SeaGuardian UAS is soon to receive smarter weaponry thanks to a new collaboration between GA-ASI and Lockheed Martin, who will develop...
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Ransomware Attacks are Increasing Hospital Mortality Rates

Though blaming the deaths of hospital patients on ransomware attacks might seem far-fetched, this claim has more basis in reality than you might think. A...
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AG600 – The World’s Largest Seaplane

China began widespread production of the AG600 – the world’s largest amphibious aircraft, developed by the Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) to enhance...
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Is China Making Suicide Drones for Russia?

Russian and Chinese companies might be making Iranian replica drones for use in Ukraine, which If true would indicate that China is moving closer...
IoT. image by pixabay

INNOFENSE Call for startups – Dual-Use Technologies

iHLS and the Ministry of Defense invite you to join the fifth cycle of INNOFENSE and receive a remarkable opportunity to showcase your technology...
image provided by Emotion Logic

The Truth Behind the Mask – the Revolutionary Algorithm that Recognizes...

Many industries nowadays want the ability to take the audio of a conversation and know the true feelings and hidden intentions of the speaker,...


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Data Breaches Are Connected to Mass Layoffs, Research

A research team from Binghamton University and the State University of New York explains the connection between mass layoffs and data breaches, theorizing that...