


Interview with Elad Gilat Marketing manager, Puzzle project Offshore installations technology protection and the tasks of personnel in the loop. Designing a seamless protection system and...

An Israeli Start-up company has found a solution to assist companies facing threats of cyber attacks into their databases and using the confidential data...

A new Israeli development offers a solution to dangerous situations durings flights where a pilot loses control over the vehicle for a short time....

The National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) has recently conducted an experiment to improve the U.S. ability to recognise and identify low-yield underground nuclear explosions....

American goverment officials for the Department of Homeland Security chose Illinois University and its researchers to head a research program for developing and upgrading...

Critical national infrastructures are under constant threat that is increasing constantly because of three factores put together: Globalization, technological advances and the increase of...

While cyber hacks and attacks can cause massive damage to both economic and goverment factors, it’s not only sophisticated hackers that cause damage. In...

Google announces the formation of Sidewalk Labs, whose goal is finding technological solutions to issues rising in urban living such as living expenses, transportation...

Preventing malware attacks before they can happen has been a top priority for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate’s (S&T)...

As city centers became more crowded, so did crime become more common. In dealing with rising crime rates in its region, the Orlando City...

You are standing by a white, shiny, family car. This car looks just like the car next door. You are going past a new SUV,...

Smartphone technology built by Lockheed Martin promises to verify a user's identity based on the swiftness and shape of the individual’s finger strokes on...

Interview with Gil Friedman from RED WAVES What is Red Waves' main contribution ? The role of  manpower in such a system The main challenges in the development process The challenges Rad Waves faces in...

Hezbollah's open preparations for another round against Israel are extremely worrying. They are not only worrying due to the dozens of rockets the terror...

Police in the UK are now seeing incidents were burglars are scoping out potential targets using off-the-shelf consumer drones. Suffolk Constabulary has confirmed that there...

Representatives from the U.S. Special Operations Command revealed that they were testing two rapid DNA readers in forward locations. The operators feed in a...

Participants across 16 Industries, Including Five of World's Top 10 banks, Six of Top 10 retailers, Use IBM X-Force Exchange Threat Intelligence IBM (NYSE: IBM)...

Elbit Systems Ltd. announced today that it has signed an agreement to acquire  NICE Systems Cyber and Intelligence division for a total amount of...

The United States Secret Service (USSS) and National Park Service (NPS) have begun implementing a series of new, temporary security enhancements and aesthetic improvements...

Top security experts from Israel and foreign countries are gathered in Herzelia today to get updates on the recent technologies that serve perimeter and...

North Korea claims to have successfully launched a ballistic missile from a submarine beneath waters off the coast of its mainland. That missile has...

The US electrical grid remains alarmingly vulnerable to a variety of cyber threats. Judging by the number and type of cyber incidents reported to...
