

wearable technoloties

Over the past few years, the U.S. military has developed — and in some cases, even actually used — high tech wearable devices that...

From missiles, rockets and shells interception, through armored platform design, to the development and performance evaluation of munitions, and much more - all can...

Training simulations have existed for many years, as pilots can attest to. However, the advent of modern virtual reality (VR) allows for the creation...

With the number of terrorist-related incidents increasing globally, and the method of attacks evolving, regular proactive training that responds to these changing threats is...

Developing any new product for first responders requires complex and resource-intensive testing. Testing interfaces in real emergencies could expose first responders to high risk....
traffic management

UASs have been playing an increasingly important role, requiring more low-altitude air traffic management solutions. In response to this growing need, a next-generation air...
mixed reality

Augmented reality is a combination of computer-generated images partially overlaid on a real-world view. In particular, augmented reality works well in maintenance applications. In...
target drone

A new model of a target drone will support military training. Following comprehensive testing, Leonardo’s new Mirach-40 (M-40) target drone has been authorized for...
social media

What would happen if an unfriendly nation tried to take down the US power grid, or the air traffic control system, or blow up...
simulation platform

A new simulation platform uses game-based technology to disrupt the image generator market. Bohemia Interactive Simulations (BISim), a global developer of advanced military simulation...

A new Head Mounted Display (HMD) and Augmented Reality (AR) software app will enable U.S. Army Basic Rifleman Marksmanship training to replace traditional silhouette...

Training and simulation systems have been an integral part of military and homeland security operations. The application of new technologies in this field can...

Virtual Reality (VR) technology has considerably improved the training and instruction of professional teams in various fields, from maintenance at the aviation industry to...

China has made another step in the direction of developing hypersonic flight technology. Beijing is building a hypersonic wind tunnel to test hypersonic aircraft...

This was an anticipated development. Advanced air forces are interested in operating more and more missions with unmanned systems in the air, ground and...

Military forces use computer simulations to prepare their personnel for real-life situations. The virtual reality technology is gradually used in the military virtual training,...

While Big Data is already extensively used in the civil domain, for instance helping companies to improve decision-making based on customer spending (big) data,...
Miles Laser System

The MILES laser training system has been here for many years, from 1970 to be accurate, but still when we think of training simulation...

One of the most important features about virtual reality simulators, is the possibility to augment them with new technologies as those become available. One...
active shooter

The US has been enhancing preparedness to active shooter attacks. Using cutting-edge video game technology and animation, the U.S. Army and Homeland Security Department...
aircraft explosive vulnerability

Ever since 9/11, aircraft security has been a major concern for the U.S Government. Each day, more than twenty-six thousand commercial flights transport passengers...
Revolutions in IDF Ground Arm

The technological and organizational revolutions in IDF Ground Arm has been gaining momentum. The multiple changes include a response to the offensive, border-crossing tunnels...
