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Situational Awareness

mobile mapping system

New Mobile Mapping System Integrates Lidar & Inertial Navigation System

Geographical mobile mapping systems have become an important component of unmanned aerial vehicles. Together with heavy-payload, low-cost drones and the opening of the civil...
display and information systems

In Search for Submarine Display and Information Systems

The Indian Navy has been looking to equip its submarine fleet with new technologies to assist in navigation. The Navy has issued a Request for...

U.S Military Upgrades its C5ISR Capabilities

The U.S. military faces a critical stage in establishing and maintaining its position as a world leader in the new technologically advanced environment of...
disaster areas

An iHLS Startup: Pocket-Sized Drone to Operate in Dangerous Indoor Environments

Following large fires, hurricanes or earthquakes, first responder teams in disaster areas sometimes have to refrain from entering unstable structures, due to the danger...

Record Interest in Unmanned Systems Exhibition

The impressing cutting-edge unmanned vehicles, the latest models in this field, that are showcased at the AUS&R 2017 exhibition attract a lot of attention...

Sea, Ground and Air – Vast Array of Unmanned Systems at...

A vast array of experts and leading figures in the military and the defense industries from Israel and from abroad gave fascinating presentations at...

NATO Preparing for Urban Warfare

NATO is requesting outside contractors to pitch concepts on military operations in urban areas, admitting that its forces are unprepared for urban warfare in...
unmanned surface vessels

Unmanned Surface Vessels – A Sensor Rich Platform

A new radar tracking and fusion software was supplied to an unmanned boats manufacturer to enhance situational awareness on the boats. Cambridge Pixel, a developer...
information gathering

Information Gathering Tech to be Used Before Maritime Operations

A new information gathering technology will be used for the first time with US Navy unmanned vehicle systems to improve how information is gathered...
situational awareness

Situational Awareness – Also at the Individual Soldier Level

The ability to send a command-and-control view to smaller units—or even individual soldiers—in the field has been a goal of the military for a...
video analytics

New Video Analytics Solution for Man Overboard Incidents

Man Overboard incidents continue to be a safety concern for cruise lines and passengers, as well as for other marine incidents, including in the...
sensor data

Sensor Data and Awareness in Space

A growing number of satellite system owners and operators need new capabilities to protect their assets and missions in space. To address this need,...
autonomous vehicle

Familiar Player Wants to Play The Autonomous Vechicle Game

With the autonomous vehicle frenzy everywhere, so it’s no surprise that Apple is putting some of its efforts in the subject. The company has...
electronic warfare

Electronic Warfare – Keeping Up with Development Rate

The US Army’s Rapid Capabilities Office (RCO) has recently sent its near-term electronic warfare (EW) capability solution to Europe, and soldiers there will get a...
Radar Warning Receiver

Airborne Radar Warning Receiver Heading to Next Level of Innovation

A Radar Warning Receiver (RWR) was successfully demonstrated on a Predator B/MQ-9 Reaper Block 5 UAV. The results were recently announced by Predator’s manufacturer,...
Command and Control Capabilities

Encryption Tech Enhances Marines’ Command and Control Capabilities

  The US Marine Corps has been enhancing its command and control capabilities. Since July 2016, the corps has rolled out 1,100 units of its...

Offshore & Perimeter Security Conference Reflected Field’s High Relevance

Senior army and technology officials, defense industry leaders and business representatives participated at the conference and exhibition organized by iHLS on offshore & perimeter...

Remaining Kings of The Ocean – A Tricky Mission

The US Navy plays a crucial role in keeping America and its interests abroad safe. For Navy Assistant Deputy Chief of Information Warfare, Mark...
unmanned systems

Awaiting with Excitement to the Unmanned Systems Conference and Demos

Everything is in place towards the opening this morning of the fifth Unmanned Vehicles and Robotics AUS&R 2017 conference, exhibition, and live demonstrations. All the...
self-driving cars

Unlikely Partner in The Self-Driving Cars Journey

The global campaign for the promotion of autonomous vehicles to the streets seems to be everywhere. Now, 3M, the worldwide famous company behind inventions...
new earplugs

New Earplugs Enable Two Key Abilities

New earplugs for soldiers and law enforcement teams supply active hearing protection and better situational awareness. OTTO Engineering, specializing in the design and manufacture...
situational awareness

In-Theater Situational Awareness Enhanced by New Data Link Tech

Engility has developed a new data link offering to aid interoperability, situational awareness and connectivity for in-theater operations. According to the company’s statement on...


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Data Breaches Are Connected to Mass Layoffs, Research

A research team from Binghamton University and the State University of New York explains the connection between mass layoffs and data breaches, theorizing that...