Nature-Inspired Development to Provide Military Camouflage

Camouflage can protect military personnel and equipment from observation by enemy forces. A material that can change color on demand could lead to an entirely...
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Next-Generation Drone Development Inspired by Nature

A discovery from the world of bumblebees could have applications for the next generation of drones and autonomous vehicles. An international study, led by...

Robot Dogs Recruited to US Air Force

The US Air Force is working on deploying teams of semi-autonomous robot dogs to bases across the country in an effort to enhance installation...

Electronic Security Technology to Replace Sniffer Dogs

A novel technology based on machine learning could replace sniffer dogs in finding explosives. High-tech sensors made from genetically-modified living cells can detect odors...

Drone’s Airbag to Solve Collision Problem

Drones are becoming a more ubiquitous part of our everyday lives, taking on tasks from inspecting bridges for cracks to delivering packages to your...

Perfect Candidate to Airdrop Sensors in Dangerous Sites

The way military forces drop food and essential supplies from helicopters in disaster zones has inspired scientists, who sought a solution for reaching and...

Bio-Inspired Technology to Help Drones Navigate in the Dark

A new sensor technology with potential for application in drones has been inspired by mosquitoes. Some mosquitoes are night owls of the insect world,...

Robotic Swarm Developed for Challenging Missions

Many technological developments have been inspired by Nature. Swarming insect-like robots developed for space as well as for use in mining, industrial and search...

Bomb-Sniffing Dogs to Be Replaced by Technology

An innovative solution for aircraft and airport security operations might replace bomb-sniffing dogs. The “electronic nose” device that uses biological cells to sniff dangerous...

Camouflage of Stealth Aircraft Inspired by Nature

A new research with a wide range of applications has been inspired by ultra-black butterflies. The findings could help engineers design thinner ultra-black coatings...

Are Tentacles the Future of Robotic Grippers?

A team of scientists and researchers from Beihang University in China and Harvard’s School of Engineering and Applied Sciences have been working together to...

Robots Capable of Sweating to Cool Down

We as humans sweat pretty often. It helps us regulate our body temperature whenever we’re overheated, cooling us off and lowering the risk of...

Squid Inspired Camouflage Fabric

Engineers have been experimenting with octopus-inspired robotic tentacles for some time. Now, they are looking at the octopus’ camouflage ability for inspiration towards developing...

Robotic Dog Lands First Civilian Job

Spot the robotic dog has just landed its first civilian job. Developed by Boston Dynamics, the robotic dog has just landed a full-time job...

Pigeon Inspired Flying Robot Developed

Humans have always been jealous of birds’ ability to fly. It wasn’t until the early 20th century, when the Wright brothers managed to become...

The Marines Are Looking For Robotic Crabs

The United States Marine Corps have recently submitted a proposal to the Office of Naval Research to begin researching to develop small, crawling unmanned...

Hagfish Slime and Spider Webs to Combat Enemy Ships

The Panama City Division of the United States Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC PCD) is working to develop a non-lethal tool used to significantly...
robotic dog

Police Force Begin Operating Robotic Dog

The Massachusetts State Police force has recently become the first law enforcement agency in the United States to operate a robotic dog during an...
gps denied navigation

Insect-Inspired Navigation Method Developed

Many technological innovations are inspired by Nature. Flying insects were the inspiration to the development of a miniaturized gyroscope, a special sensor used in...
Fish Armor

Fish Inspired Armor

The United States Air Force has recently been at work studying how a species of fish living in the Amazon River is capable of...
dragonfly missile defense

How Dragonflies Can Change and Improve Missile Defense

Researchers from the Sandia National Laboratories have been researching the common dragonfly for inspiration to help develop more efficient and effective missile defense systems....
Illust photo by Pixabay

Robotic Solution for Tunnel Sensing

A new robot snake is designed for use in urban rescue missions, as well as military applications. This mechanical sensor platform can slither into...


image provided by pixabay

Enhancing Thermal Imaging for Military and Medical Use

University of Houston professor of electrical and computer engineering Jiming Bao developed a new method to measure the continuous spectrum of light that is...