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Integrating ChatGPT With Robotics

A robot dog developed by Boston Dynamics has been recently upgraded using AI technology, by integrating its system with ChatGPT. The ultimate goal is to...
Robot. image by pixabay

No Longer Fictional – Robot Swarms

Robot swarms provide robots with capabilities that are not possible in individual robot activity, such as splitting work among themselves, responding to different risks,...
robot. image by pixabay

Animal Inspired Technology Creates New Form of Robots

Many birds spend most of their energy in flight, though they are able to walk when speed is not as critical, but other birds,...
search and rescue. image by pixabay

Unexpected Aid In Search and Rescue

A team composed of a fully autonomous unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and a search and rescue canine demonstrated a unique collaboration without intervention from...
Robot Dog. image by pixabay

Robot Dogs On The Lookout At US – Mexico Border

Could robot dogs be patrolling the US - Mexico border? Apparently so! Without a head and weighing around 45 kg: The US Department of...

Living Organic Robots – US Army Amidst Developments

“Today’s robot’s primary limitation is power, strength and versatility. They can perform limited tasks for a certain amount of time. But it’s not really...
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Micro Drones Detect Dangerous Componds

When there is a gas leak in a large building or at an industrial site, human firefighters need to go in with gas sensing...
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Innovative Amphibious System – Taking Inspiration from Nature

A new system has been recently developed, and this one has taken some inspiration from the world around us.   Researchers from the Gwangju Institute of...
Robot Dog. image by pixabay

Robot Dogs – The Four-Legged Future of Technology?

We are all familiar with the global race for autonomous deliveries, led mainly by developments of aerial and wheeled vehicles, but other solutions might...
US Army Swarm Illustration by US Army

U.S. Army Will Demonstrate Drones That Behave Like a Wolf Pack

Later this year, U.S. forces will study UAV swarms within Project Convergence, which will be conducted with the Marine Corps and the Army.  Edge 22...
minicheetah, Photo by MIT

Can The Cheetah Robot Provide Insight Into Tomorrow’s Robots?

It is the fastest robot in the world, inspired by nature: the cheetah robot that can run, jump over obstacles, and plan a route...
Concept of swarm-caple insectlike mcrorobots, by the Korea Research Institute for Defense Technology Planning

Korea Develops Microrobots Inspired by Nature

There are more insects on earth than any other animal. Possibly because of this, Korea recently announced the development of new micro-robots inspired by...
Ground robot photo illust US DoD

From Aerial to Ground Vehicle – in an Instant

In nature, organisms can often change shape to perform different tasks, such as how plants move to capture sunlight throughout the day. The octopus...
Yak, Photo illust. by Pixabay

China Unveils Giant Yak-Robot

Many people have heard of Boston Dynamics, the robotics giant who became famous a decade ago with the robotic dog, BigDog, which had no...
Photo illus. bird by Pixabay

This New Drone Flies as a Bird

A new drone project aims at improving the stealth capabilities and mission performance of drones that mimic birds and insects. The result is expected...

Unique Feature for Nature-Inspired Drone

Researchers from Stanford University developed a bird-inspired drone technology. Years of study on animal-inspired robots enabled them to build their own perching robot. Using...

Nature-Inspired Military Optical Development

A new patent file reveals innovative research by the US Army in the field of anti-reflective coating, inspired by nature. In addition to improving...
gps-denied navigation

GPS-Denied Navigation Solution – Thanks to Birds

Armed forces have to be prepared to operate in environments where GPS technology has been degraded or denied by enemy action. Findings of a...

Miniature Drone to Serve US Air Force

Military microdrones that can flap their wings and change their wingbeat mid-flight could soon be coming to a future battlespace. The US Air Force is...
snake robot

Snake Robot’s New Trick

PhoSnake robots can use their many internal degrees of freedom to thread through tightly packed volumes accessing locations that people, dogs, and machinery otherwise...
mini drone

Insect-Like Mini-Drone to Assist in Search and Rescue Missions

Typically, drones require wide-open spaces because they’re neither nimble enough to navigate confined spaces nor robust enough to withstand collisions in a crowd.  A team...

Nature-Inspired Robotic Swarm Under Development 

Schools of fish synchronize their behavior without a leader: each individual fish makes decisions based on what their neighbors are doing, through a natural...


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Improving Automatic Software Repair

FIXCHECK is a new approach to improve patch fix analysis that combines static analysis, randomized testing, and large language models, created by IMDEA Software...