Happy New Year from iHLS

We at iHLS would like to wish you all a happy new year - the devoted readers of our website, the diverse community of...

Egozi’s Fury – Intimate Photos or Road Accidents

By Arie Egozi Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan asked the police to give high priority to the investigation of the telephone stealing from journalist Sharon...

Fast Draw – The Next War – Two Options

Last week, the IDF chose to frighten the citizens of Israel, publishing the next war scenario. One could doubt the rationale behind this move,...

Egosi’s Fury – Evading Responsibility

It is no wonder that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been doing everything so that the State Comptroller does not publish the report on...

Egozi’s Fury – North Korea is Testing the World’s Patience

It is not difficult to notice the weakness of America, that has become a paper tiger during Obama’s presidency. This weakness has been exploited by...

Egozi’s Fury – Government that Does Not Foster Defense Export Damages...

I will put it in very simple to terms easy to understand also for non-professionals. The Israeli defense industries must keep on exporting in...

First iHLS Startups Accelerator Company Raises Funds

First capital raise by a company participating in the iHLS Startups Accelerator. The Israeli startup company IMNA Solutions of entrepreneur Israel Haikin completed a...

Egozi’s Fury – The Government Is Not Functioning

It always happens after an earthquake somewhere around the world - the Israeli National Emergency Authority starts broadcasting its announcements on the radio, in...

Egozi’s Fury – First Do, Then (Maybe) Think

In Israel acting without thinking has been reaching a new climax. It seems that the Turkish Parliament will soon confirm the conciliation agreement with...

Fast Draw – US Military Assistance is invitation to Trouble

  By Arie Egozi The present Israeli government led by Benjamin Netanyahu has been characterized by its lack of insistence. This was reflected during the painful...

Egozi’s Fury – IDF and the Continuing Circus Show

By Arie Egozi The trial of the Hebron soldier shooter is not anymore a circus as I had written last week. This trial has become...

Fast Draw – Europeans Bury their Heads in the Sand

By Arie Egozi In the past, it seemed that the Europeans had buried their heads in the sand in order to avoid calling the problem...

Excellence in the Defence Industry – Not Only in the Technological...

By Vickie Zisman The Israeli defence industries constantly need to recruit new employees in order to fulfill the new requirements. The global recession in the defence...

Egozi’s Fury – Assistance to Palestinians who Enter Israel Illegally

The problem of Paletsinians who enter Israel illegally (“shabah”) is becoming more and more serious. It seems, and not only to me, that someone has...

Fast Draw – Attempt to Stop the Wars of the Jews

By Arie Egozi The new Director-General of Israel’s Ministry of Defense has understood what some of his predecessors refused to recognize - the war between...

Military Coup – Is It Possible in Israel?

By Arik Kudler Lt. Col (Res) It is “not a country which has an army, but an army which has a country” - said one...

Egozi’s Fury – The World Refuses to Understand – It’s a...

France was about to cancel the state of emergency declared by it following the last sequence of terrorist attacks. What were they thinking -...

Fast Draw – Cost of Routines and Non-Adherence to Procedures

By ARIE EGOZI Two cases that occured in Israel recently are not connected to each other at first sight, however, they do.A jounalist using a...

Egozi’s Fury – Words Instead of Actions

It’s has become a pattern. The US and Europe’s leaders are spouting condemnations almost every on something that’s going on in the world but...

Washington vs. Israel’s Defense Industry

By Arie Egozi If this is to be Obama’s administration’s final chord against Israel, then it is a very unpleasant one, or better yet -...

Fast Draw – Words Like Sand

By Arie Egozi Whoever expected some change in the Israeli government’s helplessness in countering this wave a terrorism was obviously dreaming. Even with Avigdor Liberman...

Egozi’s Fury – An Embarrassing Agreement With Turkey

The crisis with Turkey didn’t start with the Marmara flotilla. It began when the Turkish ambassador was seated on a low chair in the...


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Enhancing Thermal Imaging for Military and Medical Use

University of Houston professor of electrical and computer engineering Jiming Bao developed a new method to measure the continuous spectrum of light that is...