Egosi’s Fury – Evading Responsibility

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It is no wonder that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been doing everything so that the State Comptroller does not publish the report on Operation Protective Edge in Gaza.

You will not be surprised if Netanyahu will try to prevent the publishing of the report on the failure concerning the “terror on the roads” in a few years. It is a huge failure for which the Prime Minister is responsible, to a large extent. This terror costs us lives on roads where there is practically no police presence.

For example, take the highly publicized decision from several weeks ago to appoint a ministerial committee led by Netanyahu in attempt to confront this terror. Within a few hours it turned into a director-general committee, and even the last one, as I understand, did not dedicate much time to the fight against the killing on the roads.

There are also other figures responsible for the situation, primarily the Minister of Public Security who is responsible for the police. Gilad Erdan speaks nicely and impressively. However, deeds are not his expertise. Instead of doing everything he can so that the police receives the means to decrease the volume of victims in Israel’s roads, he disappears, simply disappears. That’s the way it is when your leaders fail to understand their role.  


Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman ordered his ministry’s staff and the IDF to boycott the UN Middle East envoy Nickolay Mladenov following his extreme criticisms of Israel, its policy in response to the terror wave and the continuing building in the West Bank settlements.  

The minister was right – even with no connection to the UN envoy’s critics. There is no point in any meeting with a representative of an organization which is actually virtual, lacks any influence, absurd, totally unimportant.

There is no point in wasting time on meetings with the members of such an organization. It would be preferable to meet with the representatives of the Dutch Rose Growers Organization… At least it looks nice and it smells good.


There is a well-known expression – “Arab imagination” – which means lies pretending to reflect a non-existing reality. So last week, this had broken a new record.

Syria launched ground-to air missiles towards IAF aircraft which attacked its posts at the Syrian Golan region after mortar bombs had landed in Israel’s territory.

The Syrian press recruited commentators that declared with confidence that the anti-aircraft Syrian forces had shot down an Israeli combat aircraft and a UAV.

What an imagination. The Thousand and One Nights at its best. And it is with such people that Israel is asked to sign peace agreements with. These people live in an entanglement of wild imagination and lies, and they believe in it because they got used to it.


Another flotilla is on its way to Gaza. This time it is a women’s flotilla of two vessels. The women come from several countries, including Israel.

It would be wise if this time Israel prevents the arrival of these vessels even to the vicinities of the coast. There are a lot of ways to do this, in order to prevent the provocation desired by the organizers of the flotilla.

It should be done quietly, so that the vessels would simply float somewhere deep in the mediterranean and ask for being towed back to their departure port.

Quietly and wisely, in order to thwart the provocation intended for “breaching the siege of Gaza”, where hundreds of trucks enter daily delivering necessities and building materials.

Arie Egozi iHLS editor-in-chief
Arie Egozi
iHLS editor-in-chief