Airport Security

Airport Security


A new security screening technique currently being tested in the US is designed to scan large crowds and spot hidden explosives and suicide vests....
artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence technology is infiltrating the travel industry, and it’s bringing a host of new conveniences and capabilities with it, from personalized recommendations and...
civil aviation

Drones continue to pose a threat to civil aviation. All the flights to and from Ben Gurion Airport were grounded for 15 minutes due...
groundbreaking technologies

We at the iHLS Security Accelerator are looking for innovative ground-breaking technologies offering solutions for civilian defense, securing government institutions, vital infrastructure and borders,...
control towers

The traditional control tower is about to undergo a technological change. Being built by Cranfield University and Saab, an innovative facility will let air...
air cargo security

The airport security field has been undergoing upgrading and enhanced security processes during recent years. The requirements of the TSA (US Transportation Security Administration)...

Some people consider IoT (the Internet of Things) as the next industrial revolution. The connected devices networks present in all aspects of life and...
drone threats

A report by Israel’s State Comptroller published yesterday, November 15th, reflects unpreparedness and considerable shortcomings regarding drone threats in Israel. The reports refers to...
first responders

A large-scale exercise to assess authorities’ capabilities to improve first responders’ preparedness and response to an urban, critical incident was recently conducted at the...
isaeli-jordanian border

Israel’s Defense Ministry has been working on a new obstacle system along the Israeli-Jordanian border, between Eilat and the Sands of Samar (north of...

Heathrow Airport’s secret security planning has been revealed in files on a memory stick found in a London street. The documents outline routes and...
massive shooting

Following the increase in the massive shooting incidents in the US, public institutions and businesses have been searching for better alert systems that would...
video surveillance

Intrusion detection is the most critical step in securing border protection of any kind. An advanced thermal radar utilizes a rotating FLIR Tau2 thermal...
video analytics

The new technology revolution is here. Video analytics is expected to be the next big opportunity for installers, system integrators and others, to win...
drone identification

As drones have become an everyday tool for professional and personal use, authorities want to be sure they can identify who is flying near...
video analytics

Video analytics can be used for various purposes - motion detection for security, facial recognition & license plate reading, people counting for retail stores...
smart airport

Qatar's Hamad International Airport plans to ramp up biometric solutions alongside other innovations such as VR and robotics on its way to become a...
video analytics

Israel is a leading player in the Homeland Security arena, with proven field capabilities and experience. Leading Israeli companies are involved in many of...

Subway systems are complex with many moving parts and miles of tunnels. A new project focuses on cleaning up a subway system after the...
smart airports

Smart airports are projected to be worth $25bn by 2025. Many smart innovations are emerging in the field at the top of the industry’s...
drone attacks

With the commercialization of drones, public security and critical infrastructure security have been exposed to potential drone attacks, thus becoming a major concern for...
security technology

iHLS is happy to announce the establishment of the company’s new Advisory Board, led by Brig. Gen. (res.) Giora Inbar, who will be the...
