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Are Employee Monitoring Tools Too Invasive?

A recent study reveals that million of US employers utilize invasive digital tracking tools to monitor their employees, and that number is only expected...
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The Value of Data in Machine Learning

Data is highly valued in today's society. It can reveal previously unseen patters and behaviors, which can in turn offer insight into how things...
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Used Smartphones Are Outselling New Models – Why?

The International Data Corporation (IDC) recently reported that new smartphone shipments had plummeted 11.3% to 1.21 billion units. By contrast, the global demand for...
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3D Printing – The Building Blocks of The Future

3D printing promises to transform the way we live, and even where we live. James Rose, director of the Institute for Smart Structures in...
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Cyber Security – Prevention First

As cyber criminals become more sophisticated with their attacks, we must shift from a detection and response approach to cyber security, to a prevention...
Cyber intelligence. image by pixabay

Why Should You Care About Cyber Threat Intelligence Sharing?

Cyber space has expanded beyond anyone's ability to navigate it safely on their own. The number of cyber threats put against organizations, companies and...
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Should You Use A Password Manager?

While password managers are mostly considered safe to use and even often recommended as an efficient security tool and password storage, consider these following...
IoT. Image by pixabay

UK’s Online Safety Bill is Problematic – Lets Talk About That

UK's new online safety bill has passed both first and second reading in the house of the lords, and is close to becoming an...
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The Most Important Innovation, According to Bill Gates

Bill Gates has spoken out about the most innovative technology in the market during a recent podcast with the German business site Handelsblatt. In...
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Boston Marathon Bombing (2013) As a Case Study and Possible Insight...

By: Or Shalom, HLS expert A decade has gone by since the Boston marathon bombing, and there is much insight that can be learnt by...
Robots of the future, photo illust. by Pixabay

Researchers Predict That: Robots Will Take Over These 5 Workplaces

The advancements in technology and rise in developments of artificial intelligence, virtual reality systems and more are sure to have a massive impact on...
Cymdall. Picture provided by Cymdall

Have We Lost The Battle For Our Privacy?

It’s time to blow the whistle on a well-known secret shared among the cyber security researchers’ community: The digital world security has reached The...
blackberry. image provided by pixabay

What Happened to BlackBerry?

If we look back a decade ago, to the early 2010s, we would be able to see many adults and youths alike using the...

The Spectrum Management Challenge in the Modern Battlefield

The electromagnetic (EM) spectrum is used by a wide variety of systems, commonly referred to as  "spectrum dependent systems" (SDSs). Each SDS may transmit...

Egozi: Russia to Control Syria

By Arie Egozi Russia, in its efforts to gain full control of Syria, is operating one division of the Syrian army as part of the...
Machine Learning

Your Guide to Machine Learning

As technology evolves, terms such as artificial intelligence, machine learning and deep learning quickly penetrate public discourse. This guide will help clarify possible confusion...

Egozi’s Fury – Look Who is Threatening

By Arie Egozi The Syrian army announced last week that it would not tolerate another Israeli attack on Syria’s territory. it came after the IDF...

Egozi’s Fury – Instilling Fear without Confronting the Dangers

By Arie Egozi This is something we’re experts in: Instilling fear among the public. Last week, the Knesset Subcommittee for Readiness of the Home Front...

Egozi’s Fury – Stupidity and Audacity at Sinai Beaches

By Arie Egozi “It’s so much fun here in Sinai. A cheap vacation. It’s not more dangerous than in Jerusalem” - that was more or...

Egozi’s Fury – IDF Wartime Warehouses Failure

By Arie Egozi A new report, and not the first one, points out at the deteriorated state of IDF’s wartime warehouses. Reports keep on being...

Egozi’s Fury – The “Drizzle” from Gaza – A Huge Disgrace

A drizzle that is a Russian roulette - and stupid explanations. The drizzle (of rockets) has been still going on. For us, who do not...

Egosi’s Fury – No Suitable Title for the Disgrace

By Arie Egozi The situation of the Israeli defense industries in the world markets has been getting worse from one month to another. Harsh competition...


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Data Breaches Are Connected to Mass Layoffs, Research

A research team from Binghamton University and the State University of New York explains the connection between mass layoffs and data breaches, theorizing that...