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A Look into the Cyberthreats Leading to the Elections

2024 is an election year for many countries worldwide, and cybersecurity experts are worried about the destructive influence cyber threats and AI can cause. Take...
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Should We Sanction the Use of Cyberweapons, or The Weapons Themselves?

Cyberspace is being increasingly used in conflicts, which means that cyber arms control needs to be addressed as well. A recent analysis published by...
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The 2024 Milipol Singapore Exhibition – A Review of Trends in...

Written by Or Shalom The Milipol exhibition, held in Singapore on April 3-5, 2024, dealt as always with homeland security technologies. The exhibition, in collaboration...
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AI Technology as a Proactive Security Accelerator

Written by Or Shalom The implementation of active security has many benefits. This kind of security is active and proactive by nature and is meant...
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The Era of Smart Cities

The term “smart city” refers to the use of technology and data-driven solutions to enhance residents’ quality of life, improve efficiency and address various...
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Can AI Replace Scientists?

AI based tools are already being used by scientists to help with scientific work, but research suggests that trusting AI might lead to more...
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Can AI be Controlled? Expert Opinion

Some experts claim that there is no current evidence that AI can be controlled safely. And if so, should it even be developed? AI Safety...
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Cybersecurity in the Workplace

Charles Harry is a former National Security Agency cyberwarfare expert and director of the University of Maryland's Center for Governance of Technology and Systems,...
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Deep Fakes and Identity Decentralization

The growing trend of AI-generated content and deep fakes is making us lose our trust in the internet. Can identity decentralization be the solution?...
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New Dangerous Cyberattacks Target AI Systems

A new report by Computer scientists from the National Institute of Standards and Technology presents new kinds of cyberattacks that can “poison” AI systems. AI...
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Protecting Operation Technologies in Production Lines as a Market Accelerator Trigger...

Written by Or Shalom OT (Operation Technologies) is in charge of physical operational processes for different needs in various sectors. They function as production lines...
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The Evolving Cybersecurity Landscape in 2024

The ever-evolving cybersecurity landscape promises to bring new cyber threat actors, vulnerabilities, and weaknesses to counter, and as technology evolves, so do cyber threat...
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World’s 10 Most Advanced Military Robots

Armies worldwide use various automated machines for military purposes, combat, cargo, intelligence gathering, and much more. The following are 10 of the world’s most...
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Zero-Day Vulnerabilities: What Are They What Can We Do Against Them

As we become increasingly reliant on digital platforms, so grow the threats, and one of the main fundamentals of cybersecurity is understanding potential vulnerabilities....
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AI, Data, Storage, and Risks

Artificial intelligence is at its heart- data. The more complete the data on which it is trained, the more valuable the output. AI gains...
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NASA Report on Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Research

NASA announced it intends to take steps to understand unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP, also referred to as UFO). The space agency released mid-September the final...
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Cyber Crisis Exercises in Critical Infrastructure and Operation Technology – in...

Written by Or Shalom Cyber crisis exercises have many benefits for the organization. The exercise allows experiencing scenarios (sometimes under conditions of uncertainty) and affects...
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Considerations in the Preparation and Implementation of Security Technologies in Olympic...

Written by Or Shalom Preparations for the Olympics in France are at their peak, and so are the preparations in matters of security. The security...
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Theoretical Physicist Calls AI Fears ‘Overblown’

Theoretical physicist Michio Kaku says that the public’s anxiety over new AI technology is misguided. In an interview with CNN, Kaku said that chatbots will...
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Seeing Is No Longer Believing – Is Generative AI Destroying The...

As Generative AI becomes more sophisticated, which is happening at top speed, it is important to ask: is Generative AI undermining the very foundation...
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Global Trends and The Influence of R&D on the UAV Defense...

Article by Or Shalom The use of UAVs for various missions has grown significantly in the past few years. In addition to their use in...
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Godfather of AI Warns of Potential Dangers

The "Godfather of AI", Geoffrey Hinton, has quit his role at Google to allow him to speak more freely of the potential dangers in...


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Data Breaches Are Connected to Mass Layoffs, Research

A research team from Binghamton University and the State University of New York explains the connection between mass layoffs and data breaches, theorizing that...