Egozi’s Fury – The “Drizzle” from Gaza – A Huge Disgrace

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A drizzle that is a Russian roulette – and stupid explanations.

The drizzle (of rockets) has been still going on. For us, who do not live near the Gaza strip, it is no more than a ridiculous idiom, invented in attempt to cover up the Israeli government’s reluctance to destroy the Hamas in Gaza.

However, for the inhabitants of the region it has been a terrible reality. Every few days a rocket hits the place where they live. Last Wednesday it was one of these rockets that hit Sderot’s center.

“The rocket was launched by a rebellious organization”, it was announced in Israel. How convenient. To blame an unknown organization. Although Hamas targets were in fact attacked, the responses would not prevent the next shooting.

We saw the mushroom cloud over Gaza. It looks good on the media but it allows no more than a break until the next rocket or rockets.

No sane state in the world would have accepted such reality.

This is not the way to treat terrorism. Operation Protective Edge did not achieve all its goals, and ever since they are trying to convince us that the Hamas has been right, and that it has been combating the “rebellious”. We haven’t heard such nonsense here for a long time.


The massacre in Syria has been continuing intermittently. It is pathetic to see the foreign ministers of the US and the European countries express their concern over the situation. This is not the way to put a halt to the massacre of civilians. Such massacre can only be stopped by force, but in the western world no one wants to confront Russia. The latter exploits this fact and continues to do in Syria whatever it wants.

Today Russia is a state that does whatever it wants. The US is weaker than ever. Europe simply does not exist in this game. So a mass massacre is committed and no one does anything to stop it.


And to another matter, which is actually the same point. The US State Department criticized Israel over its plan to build new houses for the settlers of Amona outpost, if and when they would be evacuated on the basis of the High Court of Justice decision.

Whatever is bothering the Americans.. A few alternative houses that will be built in order to enable the implementation of the High Court of Justice evacuation order.

It is as if the Americans were acting on an “automatic pilot mode”. Each and every construction on the West Bank, no matter of what significance, makes them protest.

Do these alternative houses constitute the obstacle to the longed for peace? Of course not, but it is easy to attack Israel even when it acts upon its High Court of Justice ruling.

They are attacking a state that maintains a reliable judicial mechanism, while they keep silent over the continuing massacre in Syria. It is easy to attack Israel. It is more difficult to stop a mass massacre.

The conclusion – Israel must only do what’s good for Israel, because only Israel would determine its future, no one else.


One of the TV channels revealed that an Islamic organization close to ISIS is active in East Jerusalem, and its preaches incite to violence against Israel.

This happens right under the security forces’ nose. If the TV reporter could have discovered and filmed the activity, then why couldn’t the various security forces have done the same beforehand?

And even now that everything is documented, why wasn’t that hatred machine been closed immediately? Peculiar things that you do not expect to happen in a state as security-aware as Israel.


The police deployment on the late Shimon Peres’ funeral was impressive. Thousands of policemen, hundreds of patrol vehicles, mounted police and a helicopter. Indeed it was a one-day operation, but suddenly it became apparent that the police disposes the forces even though the government’s funding is lacking. If such “operation” would have been conducted once a week on Israel’s roads, many lives could have been saved.

But for the time being there are only the promises for change by Minister of Public Security Gilad Erdan. How many victims will there be until this change actually happens?

Arie Egozi iHLS editor-in-chief
Arie Egozi
iHLS editor-in-chief