Cyber Security – Prevention First

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As cyber criminals become more sophisticated with their attacks, we must shift from a detection and response approach to cyber security, to a prevention first philosophy.

Cybersecurity threats are continuously evolving as hackers constantly seek new ways to infiltrate organizational networks and we need to keep up. A popular approach to dealing with cyber threats is to act on the assumption that the organization has already been breached, and since there is no such thing as protecting 100% of all assets all the time, this approach does make sense.

However, this approach often causes organizations to be less motivated to proactively protect their assets, as they act on the presumption that they have already been hacked.

Forbes spoke with Lane Bess, CEO of Deep Instinct, about this issue. Bess believes that the “presume breach” approach is a flawed one. He explains that we should presume that we’re doing everything possible to prevent a breach, and then have the detection and response capabilities to ensure that we catch the breaches that we didn’t prevent, and notes that organizations must focus on preventing breaches in the first place.

Prevention is indeed possible with the right technology. You don’t have to surrender to attackers and just hope to detect them faster.

Organizations should shift their mindset and focus on preventing threats from entering their networks in the first place. They should invest in robust security measures, educate employees, and create a culture of security within the organization.

AI and machine learning technologies are also essential tools for detecting and preventing threats in real time. By adopting a prevention-first philosophy, organizations can stay ahead of the game and protect their assets from potential cyberattacks.