drone detection device

Unique Radar Capabilities Researched for Drone Detection

A key part of safeguarding public security is being able to detect dangerous or unsafe situations before they occur. Quantum-enabled radar technology research aims...

Military UAV – Global Market Forecast

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) will be one of the most dynamic growth sectors of the world aerospace industry this decade, according to a market...

Pilot-AI Teaming During Historical Flight

The US Air Force deployed an AI algorithm on a U-2 test flight to essentially serve as a radar operator on the aircraft. During...

Breakthrough in Drone Sensor Data Management Attained

A new data management solution provides a rapid capability for the exploitation and further distribution of drone sensor data.  Tactical UAV operators in the field...

What’s Accelerating Automotive World Revolution?

The signs for the revolution in the automotive communications world are already evident. The technology that allows vehicles to directly communicate with each other,...

Breakthrough in Electromagnetic Spectrum Sharing

Sharing the limited resources of the electromagnetic spectrum with civilian organizations is one of the challenges faced by military forces. An advanced solution currently...

New Ground Robot with Weapon Station Unveiled

Ground robots with varying degrees of autonomy are rapidly becoming critical for ground forces worldwide. Cargo transport and surveillance are some of the most...

MQ-9 to be Enhanced with AI Capabilities

Artificial intelligence (AI) dramatically enhances the capabilities of autonomous systems. The US Joint Artificial Intelligence Center (JAIC) has recently signed a smart sensor contract...

Anti-Submarine Warfare Enhanced by Autonomous Tech

Autonomous vehicles will replace manned teams in the middle of the ocean. An autonomous team of Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USVs) equipped for Anti-Submarine Warfare...
border security

COVID-19 Tech: How will AI Change Current Border Security Model

Border security in 2020 has become a complex challenge. Globalization created a borderless world from the point of view of technology, commerce, etc. However,...

Closing the Gap in Counter-sUAV Warfare

Due to their size and low airspeed, small Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) are often difficult to detect at low altitudes while being economical for...

Electromagnetic Spectrum Innovation – Fifth Dimension of Warfare

In recent years, the electromagnetic spectrum field has gained momentum all over the world. From a technical-operational field whose availability at the battlefield was...

New Force Multiplier for ISR Missions

An optionally-piloted (OPV) aircraft able to fly with or without a human crew on board represents a hybrid between a conventional piloted aircraft and...

Watch New AIr Defense System in Action

A new mobile air defense system exposed recently can be deployed against air targets at short and very short ranges and against ground targets....

This Radar can Track Stealth Targets

A new fully digital multifunction radar, equipped with advanced anti-air and anti-missile capabilities, is capable of countering a wide range of threats, including ballistic...

New Chinese Anti-Tank Guided Missile Exposed

A new Chinese helicopter-launched anti-tank guided missile (ATGM) has been exposed. The missile was used in training exercises by the aviation units of the...

Fighter Aircraft Completes First Flight

The operational version of the M-346 Fighter Attack (M-346FA) has completed its first flight with Grifo radar. The M-346FA is designed as a light...

Europe Purchasing Anti-Drone Systems

Europe’s anti-drone market reached $96.1 million in 2018, representing the third largest regional market in the world. A new anti-drone system has been recently...

Advanced Radar to Defeat Hypersonic Weapons

An advanced air and missile defense radar has been selected to support the U.S. Lower Tier Air and Missile Defense Sensor (LTAMDS) radar program....

New Radar to Boost Saudi Air Defense

Saudi Arabia is enhancing its missile defense capabilities. Riyadh will purchase ballistic missile defense radar system and computer algorithms from Raytheon Technologies. The company...

New Radar to Enhance European Air Power

The German and Spanish Eurofighter combat aircraft will be equipped with new electronically-scanned (E-Scan) radar sets. Airbus has been contracted to develop, deliver, and...
maritime situational awareness

More Comprehensive View of Maritime Activity

Vessels continuously operate marine radar to avoid nearby obstacles and safely navigate from point to point. It is hard to track some vessels that...


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Improving Automatic Software Repair

FIXCHECK is a new approach to improve patch fix analysis that combines static analysis, randomized testing, and large language models, created by IMDEA Software...