This Radar can Track Stealth Targets

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A new fully digital multifunction radar, equipped with advanced anti-air and anti-missile capabilities, is capable of countering a wide range of threats, including ballistic missiles. Multi-mission, it can be used in various contexts, such as air defence, air surveillance, counter-battery or trajectography.

Thales’ first ‘Ground Fire’ radar now in production will equip, among others, the French Air Force’s New Generation Medium Range Surface-to-Air System (SAMP/T NG).

Designed to simultaneously detect and track a wide range of stealth targets, drone swarms and to prevent coordinated saturation attacks, the Ground Fire has an air defence missile guidance capability to intercept high-maneuvering or ballistic targets.

Highly mobile, tactical and air transportable, the radar can be deployed in less than 15 minutes, a major advantage in the theaters of operation. It delivers unmatched performance and mobility with 360° coverage in azimuth, up to 90° in elevation, and a 400km range.

Ordered in 2019 by the French Procurement Agency, the radar draws on years of engineering and manufacturing development for the Sea Fire, the naval version of the radar selected to equip the Defence and Intervention Frigates of the French Navy, according to