intelligent cars

Data Fusion Makes Intelligent Cars Even Smarter

Intelligent vehicles get their intelligence from cameras, Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) sensors, and navigation and mapping systems. But there are ways to make...
video analytics

Artificial Intelligence Applied to Video Analytics

An Artificial Intelligence technology that is the world's first to show an awareness of its environment and of the actions occurring within it has...
situational awareness

Pioneering Development Provides Arctic Situational Awareness

A new development in situational awareness technology would support operations in harsh environments such as the arctics. Finnish maritime innovators Fleetrange, a maritime startup and...
solar uas

Solar UAS – Silent and Undetectable

A solar electric, fixed wing, long endurance, long range Unmanned Aircraft System is the only solar electric unmanned aerial system to provide long endurance...
command and control

US Army Resumes Contract With Command and Control Provider

Comtech Telecommunications Corp.‘s Command & Control Technologies group has been awarded contract modifications for $4.2 million. The modifications are part of a five-year sustainment...
smart helmet

The Smart Helmet Potential in Growing Market

Wearable technology has become more and more popular in the military and aerospace industry as well as in the civilian market. These technologies include...

Maritime Smartwatch App Supplies Critical Info

A new smartwatch app helps navigate vessels. The free app supplies instant information about potential collisions, anchor drag or man overboard on the smartwatch....
search and rescue

Major Contribution to Search and Rescue Unmanned Systems Development

The various teams of first responders and their agencies play a major role in coping with natural and human-made disasters, and they need the...
unmanned aircraft system

New UAS Unveiled by Giant Defense Industry

A new small unmanned aircraft system (UAS) has been unveiled by Lockheed Martin. The OUTRIDER is a lightweight, canister launched UAS designed in partnership...

Applying Gaming Tech in US Navy Submarines

The U.S. Navy plans to use Xbox 360 for operating periscopes on its newer submarines. The idea was proposed by defense contractor Lockheed Martin,...
infrastructure inspections

Multiple Drones will Operate Infrastructure Inspections Simultaneously

Unmanned aerial systems can be used effectively for various sorts of critical infrastructure inspection missions, as the networks are spread over vast geographical areas....

Sea, Ground and Air – Vast Array of Unmanned Systems at...

A vast array of experts and leading figures in the military and the defense industries from Israel and from abroad gave fascinating presentations at...

Record Interest in Unmanned Systems Exhibition

The impressing cutting-edge unmanned vehicles, the latest models in this field, that are showcased at the AUS&R 2017 exhibition attract a lot of attention...
unmanned systems

Awaiting with Excitement to the Unmanned Systems Conference and Demos

Everything is in place towards the opening this morning of the fifth Unmanned Vehicles and Robotics AUS&R 2017 conference, exhibition, and live demonstrations. All the...
unmanned surface vessels

Unmanned Surface Vessels – A Sensor Rich Platform

A new radar tracking and fusion software was supplied to an unmanned boats manufacturer to enhance situational awareness on the boats. Cambridge Pixel, a developer...
anti-submarine warfare

New Israeli Development in Anti-Submarine Warfare

Innovative development in the realm of the anti-submarine warfare was demonstrated. A new multi mission Unmanned Surface Vessel (USV) system was demonstrated live by...
disaster areas

An iHLS Startup: Pocket-Sized Drone to Operate in Dangerous Indoor Environments

Following large fires, hurricanes or earthquakes, first responder teams in disaster areas sometimes have to refrain from entering unstable structures, due to the danger...
situational awareness

Situational Awareness System in GPS-Denied Environments

Many capabilities of the dismounted forces depend on GPS navigation. But what happens in GPS-denied environments? Forces operating in urban, indoor or underground operations...
situational awareness

US Upgrades Situational Awareness Capabilities

The US Air Force will improve its ISR capabilities with the upgrade of tactical radios on its fleet of surveillance radar aircraft to securely...

Development at The Maritime C4ISR Market

The growing demand from coastal agencies and navies from the point of view of the missions’ volume and variety requires the development of upgraded...

NATO Preparing for Urban Warfare

NATO is requesting outside contractors to pitch concepts on military operations in urban areas, admitting that its forces are unprepared for urban warfare in...
autonomous vehicle

Familiar Player Wants to Play The Autonomous Vechicle Game

With the autonomous vehicle frenzy everywhere, so it’s no surprise that Apple is putting some of its efforts in the subject. The company has...


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Data Breaches Are Connected to Mass Layoffs, Research

A research team from Binghamton University and the State University of New York explains the connection between mass layoffs and data breaches, theorizing that...