Access Control

Access Control

artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence technology is infiltrating the travel industry, and it’s bringing a host of new conveniences and capabilities with it, from personalized recommendations and...
face recognition

Moscow has been bringing CCTV (Closed Circuit TV) security to the next level, through a partnership that brings artificial intelligence to bear in ways...

A new technology addresses the physical security threat associated with cybersecurity. Proscreen 500 is an innovative technology that not only provides security against the...

As drone technology has become more sophisticated and more affordable, criminals have been using these unmanned air systems to smuggle drugs, cellphones and even weapons into...
control towers

The traditional control tower is about to undergo a technological change. Being built by Cranfield University and Saab, an innovative facility will let air...
iot cameras

Cybersecurity professionals have warned for years that IoT presents potential safety and privacy concerns for consumers. Now there are widening concerns regarding the risk...
smart command center

Singapore's law enforcers have teamed up with Japanese technology giant NEC to form a concept Smart Command Center, in an attempt to fight crime...
drone threats

A report by Israel’s State Comptroller published yesterday, November 15th, reflects unpreparedness and considerable shortcomings regarding drone threats in Israel. The reports refers to...

In light of the growing need to deal with vehicle-ramming terror attacks around the world, one of today’s most prevalent threat, an innovative line...

Jewish organizations in the US face multiple types of threats, including from far-right nationalists and neo-Nazis, radical Islamists and far-left anti-Israel activists. Some synagogues...
terrorist attacks

Following the upsurge in terrorist attacks worldwide during the recent years and its unique characteristics, security organizations have been employing new methods and enhancing...
isaeli-jordanian border

Israel’s Defense Ministry has been working on a new obstacle system along the Israeli-Jordanian border, between Eilat and the Sands of Samar (north of...
facial recognition

Facial recognition technologies will enhance police officers capabilities. Digital Barriers, a UK-headquartered company, has struck an agreement in which it will provide live facial...

Heathrow Airport’s secret security planning has been revealed in files on a memory stick found in a London street. The documents outline routes and...
video analytics conference

As every year, the fifth Video Analytics Conference and Exhibition organized by iHLS have gathered the leading experts, developers, entrepreneurs and manufacturers from the...
video surveillance

Intrusion detection is the most critical step in securing border protection of any kind. An advanced thermal radar utilizes a rotating FLIR Tau2 thermal...
video analytics

The new technology revolution is here. Video analytics is expected to be the next big opportunity for installers, system integrators and others, to win...
drone identification

As drones have become an everyday tool for professional and personal use, authorities want to be sure they can identify who is flying near...
video analytics

Video analytics can be used for various purposes - motion detection for security, facial recognition & license plate reading, people counting for retail stores...
counter-terror technologies

China has been enhancing its arsenal of counter-terror technologies. Recently, it has developed a new counter-terrorism laser gun capable of hitting the targets within...
smart airport

Qatar's Hamad International Airport plans to ramp up biometric solutions alongside other innovations such as VR and robotics on its way to become a...
drone threat

Do commercial drones pose a genuine security threat? Owen West, a former Marine who U.S President Donald Trump hired to advise Secretary of Defense...