Russian Uses AI-Powered Tiny Trucks to Jam Ukrainian Drones

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Russian forces are using new unmanned ground vehicles named “Abzats” that have drone-jamming capabilities and are partially controlled by artificial intelligence.

The new drone-jamming UGVs (developed by Scientific and Production Enterprise Geran) consist of Russian-developed anti-drone jamming devices strapped to an autonomous chassis, can reportedly move along a pre-assigned route without the operator’s direct control and suppress “all operating frequencies used by Ukrainian UAVs.”

According to Interesting Engineering, Abzats can move at a speed of 5 to 25 kph while carrying a payload of up to 120 kg, and their electronic warfare package can interfere with all Ukrainian-used signals within a range of 300 to 600 meters.

Oleg Zhukov, the Chief Designer of the development center NVP Geran, explained: “The Abzats mobile jamming platform implements artificial intelligence algorithms. This weapons system can move along a trajectory and carry out electronic warfare tasks without operator participation. The product is already being used in a special operation zone.” He also mentioned that the device is equipped with a remotely operated jamming system that can “jam the entire spectrum of frequencies at which unmanned vehicles move or fly.” Zhukov also explained that Russia’s military was using an AI-powered, Russian-developed portable anti-drone jammer called the “Gyurza.”

This news comes only a few weeks after Ukrainian forces reportedly managed to take down and capture a Russian “Tsar” tank using drone jamming technology.

All in all, ever since the beginning of the Russia-Ukraine war, the world has seen a significant increase in the use of ground robotic platforms on the battlefields, a trend that will surely continue. Both countries are apparently working hard on developing existing technologies and inventing new ones, all leaning heavily on AI tech and utilizing AI to try to take down enemy drones and disrupt their missions.