Search And Rescue

Search And Rescue


The InnoTech 2020 International Live Conference Broadcast organized by iHLS is a unique opportunity to take a close look at the transformation caused by...
Photo illus. drone first response by Wikimedia-

Public safety drones are an increasingly important sector in the drone industry. There is a growing need for better and more accessible training for...
maritime security

A US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) development program will support the development of tracking systems for accurately marking and monitoring objects in the...

A test flight in the heart of the UK's Lakes District has pushed the boundaries of emergency response, demonstrating the huge potential of utilizing...

IAI foresees a significant potential in the small tactical UAS market for military, HLS, and commercial applications. Over this backdrop, on 24.9 IAI acquired...
image provided by pixabay

The COVID-19 pandemic has intensified the multiple challenges states and cities are currently facing. Technology has become more and more important in our daily...
mesh network

First responders combating disasters such as wildfires or hurricanes often deal with the impact these events have on their communications. One option first responders...

The COVID-19 pandemic has intensified the multiple challenges states and cities are currently facing. Technology has become more and more important in our daily...

A new maritime surveillance sensor system will identify and track smugglers, terrorists, or any other threat, day and night, on rough seas. The system...

Cities are digitizing more of their services to facilitate data gathering on mobility, safety, and in relation to communication with citizens. However, authorities still...

During urban search and rescue operations such as earthquakes, large vehicles or vans are often used to get first responders’ equipment to the scene....

Military and HLS End Users can now take advantage of the latest hybrid VTOL technology that is integrated into fixed wing VTOL UAVs. These...

A world’s first full-scale cargo delivery capability offshore has been demonstrated by an unmanned aerial vehicle. The Camcopter S-100 successfully completed a flight from...

A unique Israeli satellite technology will provide search, rescue, and signal detection capabilities. A close technological and research collaboration between the Technion - Israel...
AUS&R 2020

Save the time in your schedule on Monday, September 7th and get ready for Israel’s largest broadcast on unmanned systems. Straight from the TV...

The Swiss Army has ordered a fleet of Indago 3 small UAS from Lockheed Martin. The quadrotor Indago UAS provides aerial reconnaissance in environments...
ai cyber security

UAS is widely recognized as a strategy and a technology assisting public safety operations. However, public safety represents one of the most challenging use...
photo illus. first responders by Pixabay

First responders often work indoors, underground, and in other areas where communications are not reliable, so constant situational awareness is difficult to maintain. A...

A Turkish private drone manufacturer has won a contract to sell a batch of 50 miniature tactical drones to the Greek Ministry of Defense. The...

Apply to iHLS Security Accelerator’s 8th Batch  Specializing in security technology with an emphasis on dual-use technology, iHLS is inviting startups in this field to...

Location is the most important piece of information in an emergency. With over 80 percent of 911 calls coming from cell phones—many of them...

A new drone equipped with its own built-in infrared thermal camera will be marketed toward US government agencies, the military, and other organizations that...
