Fast Draw – The UK Realized It Is At War

By Arie Egozi The UK leaving the EU has many reasons, but the one mentioned in most responses is the one standing out the most...

Egozi’s Fury – Petty Politicians And Global Terror

Watching the news on TV channels in the US, you may think someone has lost their minds. Legislators in Washington are trying, on both...

Egozi’s Fury – Radical Islam Murder Spree

The world has a strange, annoying, and dangerous psychological barrier. The world - meaning mostly the US and Europe - did not realize it...

Fast Draw – The Massacre In Orlando: A Black Stain On...

By Arie Egozi Watching the broadcasts from the US TV, it seems incomprehensible. Americans, and mostly officials including president Obama, can’t understand or won’t understand...

Egozi’s Fury – Terror In The Heart Of Israel

Records of hypocrisy and shame have been broken, both in the Palestinian authority and in Israel. Israel’s fight against Palestinian terrorism is breaking all records...

Fast Draw – Attack On Tel Aviv And Never Ending Failures

By Arie Egozi Had the heads of state tried to treat the problem at the same speed in which they arrive at the scene of every...

Egozi’s Fury – Molotov Bottles And Fear On Way To The...

Arabs are throwing molotov bottles to Ofrit military base on Mount Scopus almost every night, lighting on fire a nearby field, and it seems...

Fast Draw – Neglect in the IDF

Arie Egozi Those who know the security system even a little, weren’t surprised one bit from the serious report by the soldiers’ complaints commissionerabout the...

Egozi’s Fury – B’Tselem Washes Its Hands Of The IDF

B'Tselem will not longer be passing complaints to the military law enforcement department as to “no longer help a whitewash mechanism” after years of...

Egozi’s Fury – Warning Signs In Europe

Lock your homes, take only what equipment you need, close the gas taps, report your leaving. This is how the Israeli government is preparing...

Egozi’s Fury – Memorial Day And A Worrisome Future

The memorial day for Israel’s fallen soldiers as held last week. According to data from the ministry of defense, the number of fallen since 1860...

Egozi’s Fury – Hamas Dictates, Israel Dragged, Egypt Mediates

Hamas continues to dictate to situation in the border of the Gaza strip. They decide when to shoot, they decide when to escalate. They...

Holocaust Memorial Day – The Dangers to Israel Are Greater Than...

Arie Egozi On the eve of the Holocaust memorial day we should remind those who forgot or those who deny that the danger to Israel...

Egozi’s Fury – UN Hypocrisy and White House Detachment

Almost every week a new record for hypocrisy is being broken in the world’s most unnecessary organization - the UN. The UN security council was...

Egozi’s Fury – Tunnels And Some Exaggeration

Everything here is exaggerated, moving from one extreme to the other. After it was revealed that there are still tunnels being dug from Gaza,...

Fast Draw – Plans to Evacuate Instead of Fast, Lethal, Decisive...

By Arie Egozi First the facts: If Hamas is starting to launch rockets towards Israel tomorrow, the IDF - or to be more precise the...

Fast Draw – The Virus Has Attacked Again

By Arie Egozi This virus does not have a name yet, but it is affecting a lot of countries in the West. Now it is...

On the Brink of Nuclear Terror?

By Emily B. Landau, Shimon Stein* When Shultz, Perry, Kissinger, and Nunn published their op-eds on a world free of nuclear weapons in 2007 and 2008,...

Egozi’s Fury – Gaza: Get The Job Done

Hamas in Gaza is preparing a new war. It seems the IDF has realized the mistakes made during operating Protective Edge and means this...

Fast Draw – Traffic Accidents: A Failure Caused By An Incompetent...

By Arie Egozi The government in Israel is responsible for citizens’ death on the road every passing day. This government, and mostly in this context,...

Egozi’s Fury – When Facts Don’t Really Matter

On politicians with great ambitions and zero knowledge: Bernie Sanders celebrated last week his triumph over Hillary Clinton in the state of Wisconsin. The celebration...


Tom Trento, Director, The United West. It must have been the third or fourth request before I finally gave in to one of the folks...


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Improving Automatic Software Repair

FIXCHECK is a new approach to improve patch fix analysis that combines static analysis, randomized testing, and large language models, created by IMDEA Software...