Call for Startups – iHLS Innovation Centre

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iHLS is an accelerator for the security sector and its various unique characteristics that provides startups with recognition, international exposure, access to investors and the ability to raise funds.

If you have innovative technology in one of the following fields:

  • Emergency technology
  • Emergency medicine, PTSD treatment
  • Search and rescue, first responders, communication and response to events of disaster
  • Unmanned systems, manned-unmanned teaming, anti-drone technology, and robotics
  • Threat detection systems
  • Homeland Security and Border Security
  • Dual-use technology
  • Cyber security and blockchain
  • Sensors, command and control
  • Logistics, stock and supply management
  • Artificial intelligence, machine learning and deep learning
  • Wearable technology, flexible electronics, And nanotechnology
  • Big data and data analysis
  • Internet of Things (IoT) and safe/smart city
  • Electro-optics
  • Predictive and smart maintenance
  • Business continuation in emergencies
  • Video analytics and image processing
  • Biometrics
  • Geo-spatial
  • AR/VR, training and simulation
  • Sustainable technology
    • If you have any other technology that may benefit the operational ability or improve the services provided by the security forces, feel free to submit it as well.

Apply now!

In iHLS, we turn to startups of innovative dual-use technologies aimed at providing technological solutions to the challenges of security forces, anti-terrorism solutions, civil defense, government institution security, critical facilities and borders, emergency systems, etc.

The iHLS startup accelerator offers a one-time opportunity to gain visibility and create valuable business connections with the most influential and powerful factions in Israel and worldwide, both in the security and the civil sectors: investors, large civilian companies, the world’s leading defense industries, military, security and police, integrators and much more.