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No More Blackbox – This AI Air Combat System Can Explain...

Researchers from the Northwestern Polytechnical University in China managed to create a smart air combat system that can explain its decision-making process in wartime...
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Revolutionary Contact Lenses Can Control Human-Machine Interaction

These smart contact lenses for human-machine interaction (HMI) track eye movements and can be used for health care and augmented reality (AR) applications. They...
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Experts Call to Regulate Killer Robots

AI technology is advancing rapidly and is now being used in military technology, weapons systems that could kill almost without human intervention. Many experts...
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US Air Force Tests AI vs. Human Pilot

The US Air Force conducted the first simulated aerial battle between an AI-modified F-16 called the X-62A and a human pilot. The X-62A did...
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AI in Wartime

Artificial intelligence is gaining use in modern warfare – what does it mean, and is it dangerous? AI, while faster than humans, is not...
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Intensive Drone Military Testing Yields Promising Results

The US recently concluded a series of experiments on new tech during Project Convergence Capstone 4 (PC-C4), involving the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines,...
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BAE’s Mysterious Expendable Drone

BAE Systems has unveiled its latest autonomous collaborative platform (ACP) at the World Defense Show, designed to operate alongside future and current-generation combat aircraft. According...
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Can a 100-Drone-Swarm Be Controlled by One Person?

Research from Oregon State University shows that a "swarm" of over 100 autonomous ground and aerial robots can be supervised by just one person....
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World’s 10 Most Advanced Military Robots

Armies worldwide use various automated machines for military purposes, combat, cargo, intelligence gathering, and much more. The following are 10 of the world’s most...
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Call for Startups – iHLS Innovation Centre

iHLS is an accelerator for the security sector and its various unique characteristics that provides startups with recognition, international exposure, access to investors and...
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39% of Housework Done by Robots in 10 Years

According to expert opinion, in ten years' time approximately 39% of all domestic chores will be automated. Researchers from the UK and Japan interviewed...
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Faster Online Orders – Brought to You By Robots

Imagine a world in which your online orders are processed and packaged by robots. Whether its that candle you bought from a small business...
robot. image by pixabay

Breakthrough in Human Machine Teaming

There are many devices designed to try to track hand movements, using various technologies. Some watch your fingers using depth-sensing cameras or infrared sensors,...
Dog;. image by pixabay

A Man’s Best Friend – Even In The Heat of Battle

One of Singapore's largest technology companies is experimenting with soldiers and robot dogs cooperating during combat missions. ST Engineering plans to upgrade the Vision...
Robot and human. image by pixabay

The Potential of AI-Human Teaming

Artificial intelligence will be an integral part of the future battlefield. AI Technologies will eventually reduce the number of soldiers in harm’s way, however,...
Future. image by pixabay

Future Forces – What Can We Expect?

Future forces will use technologies that have never been seen before on the battlefield, drawing on biotechnology and brain-computer interfaces, augmented reality headsets, adaptive...
Gun. pixababy

US Air Force Tests Al and Drones to Stop Shooters

It is a difficult fact to admit that the US is amid a shooter epidemic. More and more US schools and institutions are increasing...
IAI-Searcher, Itayba, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Russia-Ukraine War: Israeli Technology Used By Russian Forces

Russian weapons systems are on display in the war that the country started against Ukraine. Russian Defense Ministry officials confirmed earlier last week that...
Photo illust. US Navy

New Israeli Consortium will Tackle Human-Robot Interaction

Autonomous robotic platforms currently operate in a “sterile” human-free environment, such as logistics centers and automated production and assembly lines. Integrating robots in a...
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Communication Between Units and Robots Successfully Demonstrated

Manned-unmanned teaming, 5G communications were among the technologies shown at a demonstration performed in Latvia in September. The event reflected the ways defense forces...
Logistics support gray eagle

Gray Eagle to Operate According to Open Systems Approach

The Gray Eagle Extended Range (GE-ER) Unmanned Aircraft System delivers long-endurance surveillance, communications relay, and weapons delivery missions in support of the warfighter.  General Atomics...

China Joins Race to Develop Loyal Wingman

As countries race to invest in “loyal wingman” drones to help protect pricier crewed fighter jets, China has revealed its own model.  The loyal wingman...


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Improving Automatic Software Repair

FIXCHECK is a new approach to improve patch fix analysis that combines static analysis, randomized testing, and large language models, created by IMDEA Software...