smart city. image by pixabay

A new collaboration has yielded an advanced smart city technology. Most public lighting systems today are inefficient and unsustainable. Excess power consumption owing to...
Hardware. image by pixabay

Development of fully 3D printed OLEDs can potentially be used for applications in soft electronics and wearable devices. In a groundbreaking new study, researchers...
Future. image by pixabay

Imagine if instead of commuting to get to one place another, you could teleport. How easy would life be then? While you could connect...
Iron Dome By Rafael

No longer than a week ago, the Rafael company has announced that the Iron Dome system was successfully tested by the US Army by...
AR Glasses. image by pixabay

This new wearable piece of technology allows deaf people and people with hearing loss to understand spoken conversation. "The ‘first of its kind’ smart...
Launch. image by pixabay

China released rare footage of what appears to be a DF-17 missile launch. This is the first video the Chinese government have released to...
Planet Earth. image by pixabay

Climate change, pollution and other environmental crises are impacting our lives every day and creating a destructive future for the next generation of humans....
Robot Dog. image by pixabay

We are all familiar with the global race for autonomous deliveries, led mainly by developments of aerial and wheeled vehicles, but other solutions might...
Pilot. image by pixabay

A new AI and AR helmet has been unveiled recently by Elbit Systems. The X-Sight helmet was developed to allow pilots to fly with...
Fire fighters. image by pixabay

Two US firefighters developed a situational awareness application critical to saving lives. In recent years, the world has seen and suffered many lethal fires,...

A new counter UAV system has been recently tested in Poland. The YouTube channel of the manufacturer Zakłady Mechaniczne Tarnów has published a video...
photo illust. Sirius Compact by SAAB

Passive sensors - sensors that do not emit signals yet can detect electromagnetic emissions - offer a solution to gaining situational awareness in the...
Photo illust. 3d manufacturing by Pixabay

An innovative manufacturing technique could make drones easier to build. Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are occupying an ever-growing space in aviation circles. Researchers are...
Photo illus. forest by Pixabay

Drone swarms have been usually tested in open environments without obstacles, or with the location of those obstacles pre-programmed. Highly cluttered environments such as...
Photo Hermes 900 UAV photo by Elbit System

Another milestone in the supply of Israeli unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to Switzerland. The first two of six Elbit Systems Hermes 900 Heavy Fuel...
Photo illust. soldier US Navy by Kim Smith

The US Army has been buying large amounts of small drones for use among regular units, and it could be that in the near...
Iron Beam, By Israeli Ministery of Defense. April 2022

In an announcement last week, the Israeli Ministry of Defense stated that Mafat (the Administration for Research and Development of Weapons and Technological Infrastructure)...
Spot by Boston Dynamics in Pompeii. Phot by The Archaeological Park of Pompeii

In 79 CE ash from a volcanic eruption covered Pompeii, making it a city of ruins. Now, a robot dog named Spot coming to...
The future of construction by Built Robotics

Those still digesting the emergence of autonomous cars on our roads might want to prepare themselves for the following: Mechanical equipment from the construction...
minicheetah, Photo by MIT

It is the fastest robot in the world, inspired by nature: the cheetah robot that can run, jump over obstacles, and plan a route...
THOR hammer, Photo by AFRL

When used for hostile purposes, drones and unmanned aerial vehicles can pose a significant threat. Nowadays, even skimmers available on the free market can...
Ukraine flag by Maxpixel

Ukraine has been using a small, re-deployable drone to carry out scores of successful missions against the Russian forces. The drones can carry 3kg...