Sirius Compact: A Lightweight, Passive Electronic Warfare Sensor

photo illust. Sirius Compact by SAAB

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Passive sensors – sensors that do not emit signals yet can detect electromagnetic emissions – offer a solution to gaining situational awareness in the modern battlespace. Saab introduces Sirius Compact – a lightweight, compact electronic warfare passive sensor to locate threats while remaining undetected.

Being modular and scalable, Sirius Compact can be installed to drones, vehicles, vessels, masts or man-portable applications, and can be used stand-alone, in a network of sensors, or as a complement to existing sensors.

It typically supports Ground Based Air Defense (GBAD) with accurate target information and efficiency as it can provide early warning capabilities that, as Saab claims, are comparable to larger, static sensors.

Thanks to its autonomous operation, Sirius Compact is able to assimilate and compile awareness information without needing to store sensitive information.

Saab in Sweden and Finland share the development and production of Sirius Compact in efforts to further establish its domestic presence on selected markets outside of Sweden.