Technology News

Technology News

Photo illustration Wikimedia

Researchers from the U.S. Army recently just discovered an innovative way to produce ceramic body armor, a very strong but lightweight material, with a...
3d metal printer

  In an attempt to shorten the U.S. military’s supply chain, the United States Army Research Laboratory has awarded a $15 million contract to 3D...

Technology companies are in the crossfire of the deteriorating relationship between the U.S. and China. American companies relying on global supply chains have seen...
Photo illustration US Air Force

Laser weapon systems are becoming more prevalent in the ground vehicle sphere. One of the advantages of using laser systems is that ammunition is...
Photo illust Wikimedia

In order to supply public security, authorities urge the public to report suspicious activities. However, in order to turn such processes into efficient tools,...

A groundbreaking under vehicle inspection for explosives and early warning system under development will improve security through artificial intelligence technology.  Synthetik Applied Technologies has been...
Photo: Milos Wikimedia

Unmanned vehicles are gradually taking over the military as they render many uses such as reconnaissance, attack, and defense. These vehicles not only have...
smart minefield

  US Army leaders have been looking for ways to model the future battlefield by using a network of new “smart” mines. Commanders will be...
Photo illustration Wikimedia

Technology is rapidly flourishing as many new vehicles and equipment for the military are being regularly produced. The US military has been using the...
Photo by US Navy

The US Navy declared its MQ-8C Fire Scout unmanned helicopter mission capable and ready to deploy aboard Littoral Combat Ships. The initial operational capability...
military internet

Efforts to establish a collaborative military network for NATO states has achieved a new stage. Government officials from Germany and the Netherlands have signed...
Photo illustration Wikimedia

Fighter jets may be referred to as one of the most intricate and advanced military vehicles. They survey the sky while also possessing the...
Photo illust. from Droneshield Youtube

A new compact, lightweight anti-drone weapon designed for one hand operation provides a safe countermeasure against a wide range of drone models.  DroneShield ‘s DroneGun...
Photo Prophet - US Army

As technology becomes more enhanced, defense mechanisms and attack methods almost start to turn effortless. Pieces of technology are being produced to expedite missions...
photo from MickeMovies Youtube

A new drone that can take off and land on a single spot while still achieving high speeds in flight is required for environment...

Many resources are invested by organizations, companies and integrators in order to secure their critical facilities and assets. Providing perimeter security and intrusion detection...
From ZALA Youtube

A new anti-drone weapon has been recently showcased by Russia-based ZALA AERO group. Anti-drone gun REX-2 is a new version of the well-known anti-drone...
Photo illustration US Navy

During the last three years, there has been a quantum leap in global UAV development and innovation: 80% of the patents published globally on...
Photo illustration IDF Flickr

ESRI is the Microsoft of the geographic information realm. The company supplies the GIS mapping platform -  a pivotal tool for building geographical command...
Photo illust. Wikimedia

Small boats used by terrorists or pirates and even armies can pose a major threat, and being able to confront them is vital for...

Collisions between planes and drones have steadily risen in recent years; it has been reported that there are about 100 cases a month where...
IAI Barak 8 Missile

RAFAEL presented a $100 M contract to KRAS (Kalyani Rafael Advanced Systems India) for the manufacturing of 1,000 BARAK 8/ MRSAM missile kits to...