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CrowdStrike Crash and the Consequences of Invasive Cyber Security Software

The recent enormous Microsoft outage, which affected 8.5 million Windows computers and devices, was caused by a bug triggered by an automatic update for...
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Optimal Robotic Locomotion is Inspired by Lizards

A robot mimicking a climbing lizard gives major insights into the evolution and advantages of different movements in humans and other animals, according to...
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Using AI to Predict and Control Wildfires

California (as well as much of the western US) is dealing with an ever-increasing problem of wildfires fueled by a dangerous combination of wind,...
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NoName Russian Cybergang Retaliates After Members’ Arrest

Pro-Russian hacktivist group NoName attacks in Spain after three members were arrested by Spanish authorities for cyber terror attacks against Spain and other NATO...
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British Army Tests Wearable Drone-Controlling, Laser-Detecting Tech

The British Army is reportedly in the process of testing several new, wearable military technologies, some of which can detect lasers and even control...
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New Brain Chip Revolutionizes Treatment of Parkinson’s Patients

Inbrain Neuroelectronics' new brain implant can both read signals and stimulate brain impulses, with brain-computer interface (BCI) that uses graphene to create a high-resolution...
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Sci-Fi Spacesuit Turns Bodily Fluids into Drinking Water

A major problem for astronauts performing spacewalks is very basic - how to relieve themselves. An innovative invention from Cornell University collects and filters...
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Airbus Fighter Jets Get AI-Powered Drone Wingmen

Airbus reports that AI is set to play a vital role in the development of the various systems under the Future Combat Air System...
Image from video

Ukraine’s Sea Baby Drones Just Got Deadlier

Ukraine improves its autonomous maritime capability by upgrading its “Sea Baby” multi-purpose unmanned surface vehicle (USV), which is now primarily focused on providing security...
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Huge Space Laser Communications Breakthrough

The ‘TeraNet’ network for high-speed space communications, created by the University of Western Australia, received laser signals from laser communication payload OSIRISv1, which belongs...
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AI Model Enhances Heart Scan Analysis

Experts from the Universities of East Anglia, Sheffield, and Leeds have developed a new groundbreaking AI method that improves the accuracy and efficiency of...
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Chinese Submarines with Lasers Could Take Down Starlink Satellites

China’s PLA released a study stating that Chinese submarines equipped with lasers could soon potentially disable Starlink satellites, which would significantly enhance China’s defense...
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Historic Microsoft Outage Affected 8.5 Million Devices, Cyberattacks Follow

Microsoft estimates that 8.5 million computers worldwide were disabled by the outage, a number that indicates this could possibly be the worst cyber event...
Guido de Croon / TU Delft|MAV Lab

Tiny Drone Gets AI Eyes to Navigate Autonomously

An autonomous navigation system for small, light drones inspired by insects combines visual homing (using visual cues for orientation) with odometry (measuring distance in...
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UAV Traffic Test Sees 5,000 Drones Self-Fly Safely

Researchers at Budapest’s Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) reached a groundbreaking milestone in drone technology – they have both created the world’s first self-organizing drone...
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New Chinese Radar Penetrates US Navy’s Toughest Jamming Jet

The Chinese PLA navy’s ‘kill web’ defeated the US Navy’s EA-18G “Growler” electronic warfare (EW) systems using innovative AI. Chinese media released videos showing that...
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INNOFENSE Call for startups – Dual-Use Technologies

iHLS and the Ministry of Defense invite you to join the fifth cycle of INNOFENSE and receive a remarkable opportunity to showcase your technology...
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Innovative Progress in Deepfake Detection

Deepfake technology, the generation of fake images, videos, and sounds that seem completely authentic and can confuse even expert viewers and listeners, has been...
Yasha Iravantchi looks like an anonymous stick figure in this monitor connected to PrivacyLens. Credit: Brenda Ahearn, Michigan Engineering.

The Smart Camera Sees You as a Stick Figure and Protects...

PrivacyLens is a new camera that prevents companies from collecting identifiable photos and videos from smart devices. Today’s world is filled with smart devices that...
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The Moon Will Soon Have its Own GPS

Chinese scientists at the Beijing Institute of Spacecraft System Engineering are planning to develop a navigation system around the moon to support Beijing’s lunar...
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An Engine-Burning Laser Can Zap Drones Out of the Sky

South Korea’s Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) announced its deployment of the world’s first anti-drone laser weapons – called the “StarWars” project, it is...
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Yes, Robot! – A Third of the US Military Will be...

A former US Military General claims that robots and smart machinery will constitute a third of the US military within the next 15 years. We...


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Improving Automatic Software Repair

FIXCHECK is a new approach to improve patch fix analysis that combines static analysis, randomized testing, and large language models, created by IMDEA Software...