Unmanned Systems

Unmanned ground, aerial and naval systems provide a remotely-operated and autonomous safe option for surveillance, data gathering, inspection, resupply, etc. for defense, security and dual-use missions.

It’s Not Enough To Have It – You Should Know How...

  Israeli experts were astonished to hear about a new report that claims the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) unmanned air systems (UAS) are...

The US Army uses a remotely controlled flail robot for route...

The US Army has been using the M160 remotely controlled flail robot built by the Croatian company DOK-ING in Afghanistan for route clearance missions....

Not a publicity stunt – a real threat

Hezbollah’s attempt – likely Iranian-backed – to fly an unmanned air system (UAS)  into Israeli air space on Thursday is not a publicity stunt...

RoboGuard for perimeter protection

One of the main challenges in keeping borders and perimeter fences secure is the amount of false alarms a sensory perimeter intrusion detection fence...

Growing competition in UGV

Israeli companies developing unmanned ground vehicles (UGV) are facing a growing competition from American companies CNIUS a joint company of Elbit systems and Israel aerospace...

“Stop or you are dead in 4, 3, 2 seconds “

"Stop, don’t touch the fence or you are dead in 5, 4, 3, 2 seconds" such an announcement from a loudspeaker on o funny...

G-8 summit held in Ireland to be monitored by UAS

Israeli unmanned air systems (UAS) are showing interest in the expected tender to supply such systems for the North Ireland police. The Policing Board has...

Space Industry Growth Trends: To Infinity and Beyond?

According to Israeli sources, the demand for intelligence satellites for defense and homeland security will grow continuously in the coming years. This growth is part...

The “Ghost” of anti terror units

Some very advanced anti terror units show great interest in the Israel Aerospace industries (IAI) "Ghost" - vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) unmanned air...

Unmanned UAS made in Gaza

Iran is transferring knowhow to Gaza to enable the terror organizations there to build basic unmanned air systems (UAS) Two development sites were destroyed a...

Unmanned air systems boom in the U.S – Israel may benefit

Growing demand for unmanned air systems (UAS) for homeland security in the world and particularly in the U.S is bringing this industry to new...

The cheap “made in China” drones danger is looming

Israel is concerned that cheap unmanned air systems (UAS) or drones will find their way to hostile organizations. Cheap drones made in China could end...

Dangerous area? The UAS will help in performing the critical missions

New potential market for Israeli made unmanned air systems (UAS) ? It is so logical that contracts are just a matter of time. When ar...

Mini-UAS Training & Simulation Center for Finnish Defense Forces (FDF)

Simlat Ltd., an Israeli Company, has been awarded a contract to deliver its UAS Training and Simulation systems to FDF as part of Mini-UAS...


The use of "swarms" of mini or micro unmanned air systems (UAS) for homeland security missions is being evaluated now. "The main problem is not...

Will the growing use of unmanned platforms breach the privacy of...

Israel is a "super power" of unmanned air systems (UAS) or drones as the Americans prefer to call them. This debate about the use...

Fuel cells for UAVs?

All over the world there is an expectation for breakthrough in the field of fuel cells as a source of energy for various systems....

Iranian Jet Fails to Intercept Unmanned U.S. Aircraft

A new phase is the Iranian efforts to foil intelligence gathering missions over its territory. An Iranian military jet tried to intercept an unarmed American...

India Goes for UAVs – Big Time

Authorities in India have realized the importance of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) missions for defense and homeland security. The security forces of India already...

Europe is Getting Closer to Approving UAVs to Fly in Civil...

There is a growing realization in Europe that its timetable for licensing UAVs to fly within urban areas for homeland security missions has to...

IDF Navy evaluating medium sized maritime UAVs

The Israeli navy is evaluating techniques that will enable small and medium unmanned air systems (UAS) to operate from patrol boats like the super...

Royal Canadian Mounted Police looking for tactical micro-UAVs

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police has a requirement for a contractor to provide a tactical micro-UAV The Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services has...


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Data Breaches Are Connected to Mass Layoffs, Research

A research team from Binghamton University and the State University of New York explains the connection between mass layoffs and data breaches, theorizing that...