Photo illuistration

Security Technology will be Tested at Bayern München Stadium

There is a growing demand for automating weapon detection at scale, be it at airports, shopping malls, or sports stadiums. In fact, the weapons...
Photo from Ascent Vision Youtube

Meet VIP Protection System

A new counter-UAV system that detects, locates, tracks, identifies and defeats small UAVs, is capable of combatting an individual sUAV or drone swarm. It...
computer vision

Wanted: Larger Datasets for Computer Vision Training

Computer vision is a type of artificial intelligence that allows computers to interpret images and videos. Many law enforcement and public safety organizations already...

Additional Security Layer for Large Public Areas

For security practitioners, it could seem impossible to catch everything that happens in wide, crowded spaces such as airports, stadiums and other large, public...

Experiment Tests First Responders’ Cooperation

Natural disasters and wide scale emergencies require the cooperation of various agencies and the integration of developing technologies. A recent operational experiment took place,...
safe city

Defense Program for the Risks of Machine Learning

Machine learning (ML) has reached a stage of technological development serving diverse applications – from highly efficient manufacturing, medicine and massive information analysis to...

Joint Exercise Tests Readiness for Cyber Attack

Increasing risks of cyber attacks pose a challenge for infrastructure security, such as the supply of electricity power, water and transportation. A joint exercise...
iot security

Japan Takes Extreme Measures to Ensure IoT Security

Internet of Things (IoT) devices have a deserved reputation for being insecure, and Japan wants to do something about it. The country has just...

Get Updated: What to Do When Siren is Sounded

According to Israel's Home Front Command directions: When the siren is sounded or an explosion is heard, enter the protected space within the amount of...
fortnight gaming

Fortnight Gaming Tech Recruited for Security Missions

Schools and campuses in the US have been target to a large number of violent attacks. First responders and educators now have a new,...

Counter-Drone Jamming Device Developed

Given the recent drone attack on the Venezuelan president and the high profile mailbomb terrorist attacks in the United States, a new counter-drone jamming...
drone parachute

Drone Parachute Manufactured from Unexpected Materials

The US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) currently doesn’t allow small (less than 55 pounds) commercial unmanned aircraft flights over people for fear the craft...

New Device Challenges Terrorists

Asymmetric warfare, meaning conventional militaries combatting guerrilla and terrorist organizations, has long posed a challenge for states. New technology combining mobile platforms with the...

Identifying Emotion and Intent Through Video Analytics

Emotion and behavioral analysis through video content analytics can enhance public security. Scientifically developed tools now offer access to real-time analytics of the environment...
explosives detection

Neutral Explosives Detection Algorithm in Development

In order to upgrade and improve airport security systems, the U.S. government and airport security experts are working to develop vendor-neutral software for explosives...

New Non-Lethal System May Have Far-Reaching Consequences

A new non-lethal technology could be also used for lethal applications. The U.S. Marine Corps is developing a laser crowd control device which can...

British Army Gets New Robot

The British Army is about to obtain an impressive, advanced new explosive ordnance disposal robot with the ability to climb stairs, negotiate slopes of...
security cameras

AI-Based Tech Will Spot Guns in Security Cameras

The overall number of mass shootings in the U.S. in 2017 reached 346 events. Mass shootings are defined as an event in which four...
malicious drone illustration

New Detection Solution Against Malicious Drones

As drones become more prominently used, so does the misuse of these emerging technologies. New drone detection solution could protect military bases, venues, cities...

Social Media Analytics for Emergency Response

Medical emergencies for fans during sports events can quickly turn into life-or-death situations. Purdue University researchers have developed a technology to help police monitor...

Mecca Pilgrimage – Serious Security Challenge

Saudi Arabia has been coping with complex public safety challenges. The Saudi Government is hosting the Hajj, the largest worship procession, gathering three million...

Facial Recognition Tech for First Time at Olympic Games

For the first time, facial recognition technology will ever be used at the Olympic Games. A large-scale facial recognition system will be used to...


Image provided by pixabay

Data Breaches Are Connected to Mass Layoffs, Research

A research team from Binghamton University and the State University of New York explains the connection between mass layoffs and data breaches, theorizing that...