Successful experiment in laser technology to intercept UAVs

The german MBDA company has developed a laser technology that can, according to the company, intercept a small UAV from a distance of 3km....

Is the Phantom Eye back in action?

Last September Boeing conducted several experimental flights with the Phantom Eye UAV, that is capable of high-altitude and long-endurance flights (HALE). The results of...

Two are better than one: Elbit presents the Air Keeper

The Paris Airshow constitutes as a display window for the range of developments in the technological front of the world today, and many companies...

Paris AirShow – Are there restrictions on purchase of Israeli systems...

Sources in the Israeli defence industries taking part in the Paris AirShow told i-HLS this week that following first contacts yesterday, two main conclusion...

Cargo helicopter with attack helicopter abilities

Israeli Elbit Systems unveils in the Paris AirShow the BrightNite system. Designed to use in cargo helicopters, the system will enhance its capabilities to...

New UAS technology presented at Paris AirShow

A new UAS (Unmanned Aerial System) presented by Elbit Systems at the 2015 Paris AirShow demonstrates new technology and capabilities for counter-insurgency and force...

Paris Air Show presents all the latest technological developments

Preparations are finished for the opening of the International Aviation and Space salon in La Bourget , near Paris. This is an undisputed summit...

Turkey is developing an advanced fighter aircraft

 Turkey is making a huge effort to become a regional super power, and as a result will move  even further away from the west....

More Israeli made UAS to Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan wants more Israeli made unmanned air systems. An Israeli source confirmed that talks have resumed during the Paris air show. The source also said...

Paris Airshow Review – Photo & Video Report

All photos: Noam Eshel, defense-Update The Russian Su-35S, making its international debut here at the Paris Airshow, stole the show with breathtaking aerobatic performance that...

The Rafael Protector will work with UAS

The Rafael "Protector" unmanned patrol boat will be fitted to work with unmanned air systems (UAS), according to sources in the Paris Air Show. The...

Russia and Israel in the Paris air show – growing competition

The Paris Air Show will emphasize the growing competition between Russia and Israel in some segments of the market. An Israeli source told the...

Watchkeeper to France?

Is the Watchkeeper unmanned air system (UAS) on its way to France? This system is based on the Hermes-450 made by Elbit Systems. Sources at...

Panther on Israeli navy’s ships?

The Israeli navy will evaluate the Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) Panther tilt rotor unmanned air system (UAS) for operation on board some of its...

Elbit may benefit from Boeing-Embraer KC-390 Cooperation

The growing cooperation between Boeing and Embraer on the Brazilian KC-390 programme may bring big contracts to Elbit systems. This, according to sources in...

France, UK Exploring Collaborative UCAS Venture

Dassault Aviation and BAE Systems are working on a collaborative study of a future Joint Unmanned Combat Air System (UCAS) project, to agree on...

New pilot helmet for Israeli Atalef helicopters

A new pilot helmet mounted systems (HMS) will be installed in the Israeli airforce (IAF)  Eurocopter AS 565 SA (Atalef) operated on navy missile...

Mini Israeli made UAS in big demand in South America

Israeli made mini unmanned air systems (UAS) are in big demand in South America for defense and homeland security operations. This according to Israeli sources...

An EL AL passenger aircraft flies with the MUSIC

A first Elbit Systems Music Directional Infrared Countermeasure (DIRCM) systems has been installed on an EL AL passenger aircraft. i-HLS Israel Homeland Security Elbit Systems is...

China is becoming a UAS world power

China is becoming a world power in unmanned air systems (UAS). This is the assessment of Israeli top experts on the eve of the...

UAS to be powered by heavy fuel

The unmanned air systems (UAS) experts of Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) are using the Paris air show to further evaluate the market for UAS...


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Improving Automatic Software Repair

FIXCHECK is a new approach to improve patch fix analysis that combines static analysis, randomized testing, and large language models, created by IMDEA Software...