Paris Air Show presents all the latest technological developments

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F_3487101fbd440390f9df213bb527c5cd5303913ba8d93_602_400Preparations are finished for the opening of the International Aviation and Space salon in La Bourget , near Paris. This is an undisputed summit meeting for the civil and military flight world, which brings together all the heads of industry in the aerial salon.

In the Israeli site at the center of the exhibition, organized with the Ministry of Defence’s assistance, five top Israeli defence industries will present: Israel Aerospace Industries, Elbit Systems, Rafael, Aeronautics and Uvison – who will present the most advanced technologies of their kind in the world. The Israeli defence industries will present, among other things, air-to-air missiles, loitering systems, radars, avionics and electronic warfare systems. Among the systems to be presented in the exhibition:

Rafael will unveil for the first time an advanced air-to-air missile – the I-Derby ER, with its unique and advanced seeker, along with two electro-optic systems: Ligtening 5 and Reccelite XR. The exhibiton will also present the Spice system, which turns a bomb into a percision weapon, along with the Spike missiles family.

Elbit Systems will showcase its SuperVision concept which allows for intuitive flying of the vessel even in poor visual and bad weather conditions, a solution that offers transport helicopters to fly 90% of nights, along with systems of the Music family designed to protect airplanes from shoulder-fired missiles. Also to be presented is the advaned UAV – Hermes 900, along with a wide variety of sensors for look-out, intelligence, target-acquisition, self-defense and more.

Israel Aerospace Industries will unveil in the exhibition a family of inimitable UHF radars. The Ultra radars can detect targets of low signature and ballistic missiles, the Harop loitering weapon system, the new Super Heron drone, the Mini Panther – a light UAV for tactical missions which takes off and lands verticall, long-range land-to-land missiles and an Airborne Early-Warning and Control System airplane with aerial control.

Aeronautics will unveil the Orbier K1 – its first UAV in the loitering category, with the ability to stay up in the air for 2-3 hours and to take pictures day and night. This is a remote-controlled compact UAV that can scan area and detect targets.

Uvision, which deals with developement, manufacturing and marketing loitering systems for a range of military uses, will present six different sized systems for use in tactical missions – the Hero systems family. These systems have the ability to loiter in the air, take pictures of the target, lock in on it and hit it precisely as to avoid civilian causalties.

This is a meeting point for heads of industry, goverment officials and anyone related in some way or another to the security or flight industries all over the world. A source from the Ministry of Defence told I-HLS: “In the salon we plant seeds and water seeds that were sown on earlier occasions.”