
Egozi: Israel’s Dilemma in Lebanon

By Arie Egozi IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Aviv Kochavi said that Israel’s northern front is the most fragile and at risk of deteriorating into war....

Russia is Looking for New UAV Markets

A Russian unmanned aerial vehicle may be sold to a Middle Eastern country. Officials from the Russian defense firm Kronshtadt Group announced the possible...

Middle Eastern Country to Receive Six Scan Eagle UAVs

Six ScanEagle small UAVs will be built by Insitu Inc., a subsidiary of the Boeing Co., for the government of Lebanon under terms of...
Juniper Cobra Joint Exercise

US, Israel In Joint Exercise Against Major Threats

US and Israeli commanders overseeing a major joint air defence exercise spoke of preparing for evolving threats in the Middle East during the month-long...
Revolutions in IDF Ground Arm

Revolutions in IDF Ground Arm

The technological and organizational revolutions in IDF Ground Arm has been gaining momentum. The multiple changes include a response to the offensive, border-crossing tunnels...

UAS – Growing Threat that Demands a Response

By Arie Egozi The UAS that penetrated from Syria into Israel yesterday was not intercepted, although two ground-to-air Patriot missiles and one air-to-air missile from...

Hezbollah Drug, Money-Laundering Operation Uncovered

The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) announced a “significant enforcement activity,” including arrests targeting Lebanese Hezbollah’s External Security Organization Business Affairs Component (BAC), which...

Cyber command – the war has started long ago

By ARIE EGOZI The Israel defense forces (IDF) decision to officially establish a cyber command is a symbolic act. According to foreign sources Israel has...

Fast Draw – The threat from Lebanon

Hezbollah's open preparations for another round against Israel are extremely worrying. They are not only worrying due to the dozens of rockets the terror...

Unholy Relationship

Hezbollah cooperating with Mexican drug cartels Lieutenant General Kenneth E. Tovo, deputy commander of the U.S. Southern Command, said in his address to the Congress...

Israel, Hamas and Hezbollah on a Collision Course: Undesirable yet Inevitable

At the start of 2015, Israel’s two major fronts – home to the two hostile players with which Israel has had military encounters in...

Israel against Hizbollah: Between Overt and Covert Warfare

The violent battle between Israel and Hizbollah in Lebanon and Syria, and perhaps even outside the Middle East, can be expected to continue and...

The Syrian Refugee Crisis: Regional and Human Security Implications

The Refugee Population: An Overview Defined as the “worst humanitarian disaster since the end of the cold war,” the Syrian civil war has to date...


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Improving Automatic Software Repair

FIXCHECK is a new approach to improve patch fix analysis that combines static analysis, randomized testing, and large language models, created by IMDEA Software...