Communication Between Units and Robots Successfully Demonstrated

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Manned-unmanned teaming, 5G communications were among the technologies shown at a demonstration performed in Latvia in September. The event reflected the ways defense forces can use tactical 4G/5G communications networks, as well as unmanned ground systems (UGS) equipped with ISR and signal intelligence payloads, jammers, acoustic sensors, and various other technology to conduct missions.

The demonstration showed that unmanned systems, enhanced with innovative communication systems and various defense technology, can be used for collecting and sharing tactical information, improve situational awareness, decrease troops’ physical load, and increase force protection.

The demonstration performed by iMUGS Consortium, in charge of the development of the European standard UGS was led by LMT with the support of Milrem Robotics. 

Latvian National Armed Forces used two Milrem Robotics’ THeMIS Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGV) during two scenarios to display the benefits of teaming up manned units with unmanned systems.

One THeMIS UGV was equipped with an Intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) payload, Signal Intelligence antenna (SIGINT), Smoke Grenade Launcher and more.  The second THeMIS was used as a mule for transporting the squad’s equipment.

”For the first time ever, in a special network, a tactical network was connected with a stand-alone 5G network. This allowed communication between units and robots, as well as collecting information from sensors and placing this information into the mission LMT’s Battle Management System Viedsargs”, says Ingmars Pukis, Vice President and Member of the Management Board of LMT, cited by

The iMUGS project was launched in 2020 to develop a modular, cyber-secure, and scalable architecture for hybrid manned-unmanned systems. Its goal is to standardize a Europe-wide ecosystem for ground platforms, command, control, and communication equipment, sensors, payloads, and algorithms.