AUS&R 2020

You Can’t Afford to Miss this Broadcast – AUS&R 2020

Save the time in your schedule on Monday, September 7th and get ready for Israel’s largest broadcast on unmanned systems. Straight from the TV...

 Combat Pilot to Compete Artificial Intelligence

The US Ministry of Defense wants to increase trust in Artificial Intelligence. Human pilot will compete with AI technology in the third and final...

Goodbye Siri, Welcome JUDI

Dialog will be a critical capability for autonomous systems operating across multiple echelons of Multi-Domain Operations. US Army researchers developed a novel dialogue capability...

9th Unmanned Systems Conference AUS&R and AUVSI, this Time as Broadcast

September 7, 2020 The unmanned systems market has become one of the most trendy and interest-provoking fields in the Israeli and global arenas. Even the...

Revolutionizing Aircraft Manufacturing 

One of the biggest bottlenecks for the modern aerospace industry is that conventional engineering and manufacturing techniques are far too slow for a rapidly...
startup accelerator

Call for Startups – Apply to iHLS Security Accelerator 8th Batch

Are you developing a ground-breaking technology in the fields of unmanned systems, coping with COVID-19 pandemic, counter drones, border security, safe city? We invite you...

Soon: Next Generation of Combat Vehicles 

Soldiers may find it challenging to maintain a high level of alertness when driving a combat vehicle across unfamiliar or dangerous terrain. The U.S....
unmanned systems

AUS&R 2020 – Attend the Leading Unmanned Systems and Robotics Event

Thanks to their accelerated technological development and their endless applications, unmanned systems on the ground, air, and sea currently attract the highest interest both...
drones photo illus. by Pixabay

World’s Largest Drone Swarm Testing Facility

Future soldiers will operate with interconnected drone swarm systems across the battlespace to get capabilities for situational awareness, defense and logistics. One of the...

Squad-X Program Moving Forward

Modern military engagements increasingly take place in complex and uncertain battlefield conditions where attacks can come from multiple directions at once, and in the...

Standardizing Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence technologies are one of the top research and development priorities of the US Department of Defense. The field is under the responsibility...
unmanned systems

Expert in Unmanned Systems? Attend AUS&R 2020 – Israel’s Largest Conference...

Thanks to their accelerated technological development and their endless applications, unmanned systems on the ground, air, and sea currently attract the highest interest both...
unmanned systems

Attend AUS&R 2020 – Israel’s Largest Unmanned Systems & Robotics Conference...

Thanks to their accelerated technological development and their endless applications, unmanned systems on the ground, air, and sea currently attract the highest interest both...

More Demand for Loyal Wingman UAV

The Australian Air Force is joining the list of countries experimenting with autonomous aircraft, rolling out its first Loyal Wingman drone, based on autonomy...

Research Comparing AI with Humans Reveals Unexpected Findings

Artificial intelligence and humans have different risk tolerances when data is scarce. A recent finding from the US Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) suggests that...

Emerging Technological Needs in Geospatial Intelligence

The US National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency highlights current and enduring technology needs in a guide released April 29. The 2020 Technology Focus Areas publication is a...
Unmanned systems conference

Call for Startups: Pitch on Startup Stage at AUS&R 2020 Unmanned...

Are you startups in the unmanned systems field? This is your opportunity to get maximum exposure to the defense industries and the leading players! This...

Can We Count on Artificial Intelligence at Battlefield?

Cutting-edge AI technologies will be showcased at the iHLS InnoTech Expo Tel Aviv in November 2020. The application of artificial intelligence technology can achieve incredible...
Photo illust. small UAV By US Army

Small UAVs Supporting Special Operations

Small UAVs are classified based on their size; they are small enough to be carried and operated by a single person. Small UAVs can...

Manned-Unmanned Teaming Coordinated in Simulation 

Unmanned systems reinforce troops while reducing the risk to forces. A simulation involving an infantry platoon reinforced with drones and ground robots was recently...
military technologies

Top 10 Military Technological Developments of 2019

Groundbreaking military technologies were developed during 2019, from new power resources to human-machine teaming. Here are the top 10 of the leading ones developed...

Simultaneous Battlefield: Physical and Cyber Warfare

The U.S. Army is seeking new leading-edge technology that will allow Soldiers to fight off electromagnetic and cyber threats at the same time they...


image provided by pixabay

Improving Automatic Software Repair

FIXCHECK is a new approach to improve patch fix analysis that combines static analysis, randomized testing, and large language models, created by IMDEA Software...