The Potential of AI-Human Teaming

Robot and human. image by pixabay

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Artificial intelligence will be an integral part of the future battlefield. AI Technologies will eventually reduce the number of soldiers in harm’s way, however, they will not simply replace soldiers one-for-one. Success in future operations will require soldiers to interact with multiple, advanced technologies at once. 

The US Army wants to improve the interactions between humans and AI tools. In a presolicitation notice, the Army Research Laboratory is looking for a Human-Agent Teaming Research and Engineering Services contract to study how soldiers interact with AI and improve the training regimen for humans and machines.

According to the RFI, the Army wants to “develop and field systems requiring soldiers to team with AI technologies by facilitating the exchange of information between the soldier, system, and environment.” “Development of AI technologies to support teams of soldiers and autonomy will change the way that team members, both human and autonomous, interact with the environment, the enemy, and with each other. AI technologies will be able to learn, not only how to interact with individuals and teams, but how to collaboratively make decisions and solve problems as part of teams, maximizing the strengths and minimizing the weaknesses of individual team members—human or autonomous.”

The technical and engineering support are required in order to develop training simulations and integrating those into existing regimens.

New test and evaluation methods will be required for measuring the effectiveness of human-AI teams and integrating those with the Army’s Next Generation Combat Vehicle program. The program will also iterate on existing methods and develop new ways of mapping soldiers’ brain functions, psychology and behavior when interacting with AI teammates.

According to, the Army plans to award the contract to DCS Corporation but released a request for information to hear from other potential vendors capable of delivering on this contract.

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