IoT chip. image by pixabay

MIT Chip Expected to Protect IoT Devices From Cyber Threats

Internet-of-things devices are vulnerable to various cyber threats. Recent reports suggest that one of those supposed attacks is the side-channel attack. This tactic seeks...
Security. image by pixabay

New Malware Is Now Public Code

The source code of a dangerous malware sample targeting millions of routers and Internet of Things (IoT) devices has been uploaded to GitHub. Other...
IoT. image by pixabay

Blockchain Is The New IoT Standard

Blockchain is the new solution for Internet of Things (IoT) interoperability. IoT is all the sensors and smart devices that use the internet to...
Image by pixabay

Protect These Devices From Cyber Attacks

Cybersecurity for medical devices is critical in retaining the trust consumers place in health care companies for how the technology is used, and how...
Hybrid work. image by pixabay

Why Are Companies Afraid of IoT?

Since the Internet of Things Industry is a relatively new one, it does not have pre-set security standards for developers and manufacturers to build...
Mars Rover. Image by Pixabay

Aliens Beware: Autonomous Security Platform Protects Space Infrastructure

An autonomous security platform that protects IoT devices has been unveiled! This software will prevent hackers from gaining unauthorized access and executing cyberattacks against...
Self driving bus. image by pixabay

Self-driving Buses: A Reality in Germany

Germany has revealed its plans to fully integrate self-driving shuttles into public transportation. This decision is the first of its kind in the world....
Photo illus. by Pixabay cyber-security

Int’l Collaboration Against Major Cyber Threat Turns Successful

More and more components of homes and businesses go “smart” and internet-connected. These IoT devices are exposed to the lack of adequate security in...
Photo illus. hacker by Pixabay

Hackers Help Secure US Department of Defense

Hackers helped the US Administration detect cyber vulnerabilities. More than 400 vulnerabilities were found in US Department of Defense contractor’s networks thanks to the...
Team of soldiers engaged in operation rescue, photo by Swarm Robotics

The Future of Soldier Modernization: Technology Trends

At the same time that the modern battlefield is being extensively digitized, the world's armies are investing heavily in the equipment of their soldiers...
Robots of the future, photo illust. by Pixabay

Internet of Robotic Things is Changing the World

After demonstrating to the world the Internet of Things capabilities over the past few years, the Internet of Robotic Things (IoRT) is ready to...
Communications photo illus. by Pixabay

Meet World’s Smallest Antenna – for Critical Applications

The world’s smallest Iridium antenna will provide new capabilities to mobile handsets, wearable trackers, and personal safety devices as well as for vehicles, marine...
Photo illus. university campus by PIXABAY

Living Lab for Smart Campus Innovation 

A smart campus uses advanced network infrastructure and internet-connected devices joining people, devices, and applications and allowing universities to make insight-driven decisions to improve...
IOT security

IoT Standardization Publicized

A new set of proposed global standards to support and reassure consumers about the security of their data while using IoT products has been...

Good Luck to the Startups Selected for INNOFENSE Innovation Center’s Second...

The second batch of the INNOFENSE Innovation Center is being launched today! Eight innovative projects out of 120 startups that applied were selected for...

Cyber-Securing Critical Infrastructure Redefined

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is redefining ‘Cybersecurity Incident’ in directives for surface transportation across the US.  The Transportation Security Administration has changed the...

Technological Advance in Industrial Drones Field

A new collaboration will tackle two major challenges in drone operations beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS): to remotely, globally and simultaneously control over...

“Appropriate 5G Technology Deployment in Israel – Within 2 Years”

“Since we have already passed from goat paths to the information superhighway …  5G technology takes us one step further and actually becomes the enabler...

First Post-Corona International Conference in Israel: Delegations from 35 Countries are...

Head of Innovation and Country Branding, Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs: “The Corona period has raised the profile of the Israeli innovation industry in...
autonomous truck tech

CISA is Facing New Challenge

Trucking, mass transit, and last-mile delivery services (often referred to as mobility-as-a service) are among the first to adopt autonomous ground vehicles and multiple...

OT, SCADA – What Does it All Mean?

Industrial machines and devices connected to the network have been gaining momentum and demonstrating effectiveness, however, they are vulnerable to cyberattacks that have far-reaching...

Secure Bridge Monitoring Solution

A recent analysis of U.S. Department of Transportation data shows more than one-third of U.S. bridges are in disrepair. There is an increasing national...


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Improving Automatic Software Repair

FIXCHECK is a new approach to improve patch fix analysis that combines static analysis, randomized testing, and large language models, created by IMDEA Software...