Next-Generation Mobile Connectivity In Maritime Vessels

Maritime. image by pixabay

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Vessels require a network connection for reporting, automation, improving safety, autonomous navigation, IoT monitoring or remote operations at sea. For decades, satellite-based solutions have been the only option for communication at sea. However, this technology is characterized by high prices, high latency and much lower speeds compared to terrestrial communications such as 4G LTE and 5G mobile networks.The satellite-based monopoly over the seas has also slowed down the pace of innovation in the maritime industry. Digitalization in the maritime industry has progressed at a slower pace than other Industry 4.0 verticals.

Ericsson may be set to change that dependency and make next-generation mobile connectivity the go-to choice for enterprise connectivity across the waves. Through the innovative use of 5G and other technologies, the Maritime Mesh Network builds a reliable dynamic network architecture between maritime vessels across common international shipping lanes.

Prepared to dive into the world of futuristic technology? Attend INNOTECH 2023, the international convention and exhibition for cyber, HLS and innovation at Expo, Tel Aviv, on March 29th-30th

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Assuming that there are approximately 200 vessels present en route with a random uniform distribution of the ships, initial calculations indicate about 99.9 percent coverage guarantee across major well-trafficked shipping lanes, such as the 2,500km Oman-India shipping route. Each connection between two ships delivers latency within a few milliseconds, i.e. a delay in the time it takes for some data to get to its destination across the network, indicating that latency will be much lower than satellite-based models which deliver latency in the region of 700 milliseconds.

Serdar Sahin, Director of Product Management at Ericsson ONE said: “Situational awareness and autonomous ships can be enabled especially close to the port where the need for high-speed and low-latency connectivity is the highest. The Maritime Mesh Network project also makes it possible for land-based crew to run remote operations and troubleshooting, for example through augmented reality, to assist colleagues on-deck.” He adds: “Relatively basic but essential services such as voice and video can be enabled in areas where there is continuous coverage, such as close to shore, and in other areas when Maritime Mesh Network executes on its roadmap.”

According to the company’s website, the project is expected to complete its first field trial in a live maritime environment shortly. It will move a step closer to commercial rollout. Sahin says: “Our vision is that every entity at sea will be able to connect using our mobile connectivity solution, including cargo ships, tankers, cruise lines, fishing boats and pleasure vessels.”

Prepared to dive into the world of futuristic technology? Attend INNOTECH 2023, the international convention and exhibition for cyber, HLS and innovation at Expo, Tel Aviv, on March 29th-30th

Interested in sponsoring / a display booth at the 2023 INNOTECH exhibition? Click here for details!