
Facial Recognition Stirring Up Anti-Privacy Controversies

As the international dependency for Artificial Intelligence and facial recognition software for police and military forces increases, then so does the controversy revolving around...
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The Technology that Will Make Travelling More Simple

The use of biometric identification has become more and more widespread. A new partnership will develop a biometric data-based identification platform that will significantly...
Photo illust. Wikimedia

Partnership to Allow Real-Time Identification

While the debate continues in many countries regarding the privacy concerns of facial recognition technologies, new technology provides facial recognition system that has been...
facial recognition

AR Glasses Demonstrate New Capability

Law enforcement agencies will soon be able to adopt facial recognition algorithms and use them in public spaces with less hassle and fewer distractions....

Artificial Intelligence And Export Control – What’s The Connection?

By Amiram Halevy It has recently been published that Facebook’s development center in Israel is increasing its artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities. The company has established...

Russian Military Application of Face Recognition Tech

A Russian face recognition system can be used to control access and prevent unsanctioned access in the military sector. The monitoring cameras of the...

Facial Recognition Use on the Rise

The use of facial recognition technologies has become a widespread phenomenon all over the world. Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, and Microsoft have developed their...

Algorithm Requires Access to Face Datasets

For computer vision and facial recognition systems to work reliably, they need training datasets that approximate real-world conditions. Advances in computer vision approaches facilitate...
id verification

Best Technological Combination for ID Verification

Blockchain solutions are based on a time-stamped series of immutable record of data that is managed by cluster of computers not owned by any...
facial recognition

Robot Assistant Solution to Boost Airport Passenger Processing

Passenger processing in airports often takes time and causes delays. A new facial recognition solution will offer check-in and immigration screening, robot assistants to...

Making Video Anonymous by Default

The growth in the capture of video in public places from CCTV, body-worn police cameras and infrastructure surveying (roads, streets, buildings) has created a...

Facial Recognition to Prevent Mass Shootings

A new use of facial recognition technology aspires to reduce or even eliminate deadly crimes like mass shooting events. Using the same science and...

Improved Augmented Reality Headset

Augmented Reality (AR) systems have been picked up and developed by different industries in the past 20 years. Microsoft, among other companies, has been...
facial recognition

The Dark Side of Facial Recognition Tech

Facial recognition technologies have become more and more popular in recent years. In this widespread trend, Amazon has emerged as a frontrunner in the...

AI Technology in 2019 Consumers Market: Predictions and Analysis

Salesforce company alerts that in lack of proper rules and regulation , artificial intelligence (AI) might have a negative impact on social networks and...

Conflict Concerning Facial Recognition Tech is Heating Up

Recently, Google and Microsoft have acknowledged the risks involving facial recognition services and their potential for misuse and surveillance by bad actors. In December,...

Sensors on Delay Compared with Algorithms

A new development that may boost facial recognition technology enables secure biometric authentication for a variety of banking, e-government and enterprise applications. However, sensor...

Microsoft Calls for Regulation on Facial-Recognition Technology

Microsoft President Brad Smith calls for government regulation on facial-recognition technology. With the aid of smart camera systems governments and companies could track our...

Game-Changing Combination of Recognition Technologies

The recent “Yellow Vest” riots in Paris bring into mind the potential power of the combination of high-resolution digital video capture of protesters and...
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Face Recognition – New Horizons

New face recognition capabilities will help streamline post-event investigations, support rapid response to situational changes, and derive richer operational intelligence for data-driven decision making....

The Way You Walk will Reveal Your Identity

China’s surveillance efforts have hit a new level with a technology that can apparently identify individuals based on their body shape and the way...

New Device Challenges Terrorists

Asymmetric warfare, meaning conventional militaries combatting guerrilla and terrorist organizations, has long posed a challenge for states. New technology combining mobile platforms with the...


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Data Breaches Are Connected to Mass Layoffs, Research

A research team from Binghamton University and the State University of New York explains the connection between mass layoffs and data breaches, theorizing that...