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Revolutionary High-Resolution Satellites Raise Privacy Concerns

Startup company Albedo is setting out to collect and provide the highest resolution optical and thermal imagery from the sky. The images will have...
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A Camera That Protects Your Face from Unauthorized Recognition

Facial recognition is technology that can identify or verify a person's identity based on their face, and can be used for various purposes, like unlocking smartphones,...
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Deep Fakes and Identity Decentralization

The growing trend of AI-generated content and deep fakes is making us lose our trust in the internet. Can identity decentralization be the solution?...
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AI’s Impact on Cybersecurity

The impact of AI on cybersecurity is transforming the methods we use to secure digital platforms. It is both providing attackers with sophisticated new...
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Human Rights Groups Oppose EU’s AI Act

The EU has proposed a law to regulate AI, but human rights activists warn that it won’t be enough to protect the public from...
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Robot Dogs and AI Inspectors- The Future of Border Security

US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) recently began working with leading trade and travel technology company “Pangiam” to bring cutting-edge artificial intelligence, computer vision, and...
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Calls to Ban AI Facial Recognition in the UK

A group of politicians and privacy campaigners say police and private companies should immediately stop using facial recognition surveillance, raising concerns regarding human rights,...
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New York Bans Facial Recognition in Schools

New York State has recently banned the use of facial recognition technology in schools due to a report stating the risks to student privacy...
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EU Surveillance Tech Bans Supported by Rights Advocates

Rights advocates call for the ban of various forms of biometric surveillance, predictive policing, and “harmful” uses of AI in migration control in the...
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Is AI Racist? Possibilities and implications

Racially biased artificial intelligence systems are not only misleading but can be detrimental and destroy people’s lives. A press release by University of Alberta...
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Eurostar Biometric Check-Ins Cause Debate

  Biometric check-ins are common in airports worldwide, and now railways are adopting them, which is fuelling ongoing debates on whether the convenience of ticketless...
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Surveillance Plans for the 2024 Paris Olympics Raise Concerns

In an attempt to control the crowds arriving for the 2024 Paris Olympics next summer, the authorities plan to use real-time cameras and artificial...
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EU to Ban Predictive AI Technology

On May 11th, 2023, The European Parliament voted for amendments to be made to the AI Act, with those amendments including the ban of...
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AI Face Identification Puts Innocent Man In Jail

Robert William, who was wrongfully identified by an AI algorithm and subsequently arrested, is suing the Detroit Police Department for the traumatizing experience he...
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AI Can Now Recognize Your Friends

Surveillance technology has long been able to identify you. Now, with help from artificial intelligence, it's trying to figure out who your friends are. With...
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How Does Face ID Technology Look Today?

As biometric technology continues to develop faster and faster, promising safety and security to customers, so has facial recognition or face ID. Facial recognition...
Facial ID. image provided by pixabay

New Technology will Prevent Fake Facial Identification

The advent of facial recognition technology carried with it the promise of great benefits, especially for law enforcement who use facial recognition to detect...
fingerprint. image provided by pixabay

Biometrics Are Still Lacking Accuracy

Are biometrics less secure than we originally thought? According to recent reports, many biometric implementations (whether that be fingerprint scanners or face recognition) can...
Iranian Hijabi Women. image by pixabay

Iran Will Identify Hijab Law Breaking Woman Via Facial Recognition

The Iranian government is planning to use facial recognition technology on public transport to identify women who are not complying with a strict new...
Facial recognition. image by pixabay

Expect Strict Regulations On Face ID

The use of live facial recognition (LFR) both in law enforcement and for other purposes is regulated, albeit controversial. Facial recognition technology clearly involves...
security. image by pixabay

Two-Factor Authentication Is A Must!

With the world of security constantly changing and hackers adapting to those changes, nothing is perfect in terms of security. While two-factor authentication is...
Busy street. image by pixabay

How Accurate Is Facial Recognition?

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has run over 390,000 facial recognition searches since 2011. The Department of Homeland Security has also said it...


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Improving Automatic Software Repair

FIXCHECK is a new approach to improve patch fix analysis that combines static analysis, randomized testing, and large language models, created by IMDEA Software...