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Original Method to Produce Ceramic Body Armor

Researchers from the U.S. Army recently just discovered an innovative way to produce ceramic body armor, a very strong but lightweight material, with a...
3d metal printer

3D Metal Printer To Shorten Military Supply Chain

  In an attempt to shorten the U.S. military’s supply chain, the United States Army Research Laboratory has awarded a $15 million contract to 3D...

iHLS Accelerator Startup: New Playground in Meta-Materials World

The development of a new class of materials is opening up endless opportunities in fields such as mechanics, electronics, heat transfer, chemistry, optics, etc....
startup competition

Global Exposure Opportunity: Security and HLS Startup Competition

We are delighted to invite ground-breaking startups developing disruptive solutions in the security, defense, and HLS fields to take part in the prestigious iHLS...

Apply Now! Security and HLS Startup Competition

We are delighted to invite ground-breaking startups developing disruptive solutions in the security, defense and HLS fields to take part in the prestigious iHLS...

Military Supply Chain Revised

Peacekeeping missions often take place at remote locations, requiring the army to have a large supply of spare parts on site to keep everything...
startup competition

Apply to the Security and HLS Startup Competition

We are delighted to invite ground-breaking startups developing disruptive solutions in the security, defense and HLS fields to take part in the prestigious iHLS...
3d print submarine

Navy to 3D Print Personal Submarines for SEALs

  Navy SEALs are some of the most elite combat soldiers in the world. Operating in classified missions all over the world, Navy SEALs need...

3D Printing can Bridge the Gap

3D printers have been used to create a wide range of things, from robots to prosthetic arms. Now the U.S. Marines have used the...

Why is Biological Warfare Risk on Increase?

Emerging technologies could facilitate the production and use of biological weapons. Advances in 3D printing, artificial intelligence and robotics could increase the possibilities for...

This Robot Wheel Transforms Shape in Adaptation to Terrain

Robots using wheels, tracks, or legs each have their own advantages and disadvantages. Wheel robots, for example, are able to run speedily and efficiently...
ceramic body armor

Unexpected Method to Manufacture Ceramic Body Armor

Ceramic body armor provides great protection but can also be difficult to manufacture, notably in combining materials to create a strong composite. Ceramic armor...

Artificial Intelligence will Monitor 3D Printing

Today, 3-D printing generates parts used in ships, planes, vehicles and spacecraft. However, high-value and intricate parts sometimes require constant monitoring by expert specialists...

New Device Challenges Terrorists

Asymmetric warfare, meaning conventional militaries combatting guerrilla and terrorist organizations, has long posed a challenge for states. New technology combining mobile platforms with the...
3-d printed

First in the World – 3D-Printed Concrete Army Barracks

Can you build an army base barracks out of concrete in less than two days? The US Marine Corps Systems Command (MCSC) accomplished the...

Big Data and Drones to Upgrade Logistical Systems

South Korea is expanding its logistical support capabilities and efficiency through the application of advanced technologies. The Defense Ministry plans to capitalize on big...
soft robot

Magnetic Soft Robots Could Perform Military Tasks

Soft robotic capabilities and manufacturing at the point of need are among the US Army's top research priorities. Newly-developed 3-D printed robotic structures can...

Blockchain’s Huge Potential for Military Sector

The adoption of blockchain technology - decentralized ledgers, smart contracts - is gaining traction across many different sectors. It is inevitable that military organizations...
startup competition

Apply Now: iHLS Startup Competition for Security, Defense and HLS

iHLS is delighted to host for the first time the prestigious Startup Competition for innovative technologies in the security, defense and homeland security fields,...
printing sensors

Printing Sensors on Skin will Revolutionize Battlefield

For the first time, researchers have used a customized, low-cost 3D printer to print electronics on a real hand. The technology could be used...
3d printers

Military Barracks to Be Constructed by Giant 3D Printers

US service members who might use new technologies during deployments are given the opportunity to test them and have input before the technology is...
3d printing technology

Ground-Breaking 3D Printing Technology Does Not Use Plastic

3D printing entails many advantages for industries such as in the defense field. Mainly, it can simplify logistics, because military units can transport just...


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Improving Automatic Software Repair

FIXCHECK is a new approach to improve patch fix analysis that combines static analysis, randomized testing, and large language models, created by IMDEA Software...