Fire Fighting

Fire Fighting

Photo illustration Wikimedia US Marines

Fires constitute one of the most extreme dangers to human lives and property. When every second counts, the response is conditioned on mobility and...
Photo illustration IDF Flickr, Wikimedia

By Arie Egozi During the last several years, I have been claiming here that the Israeli home front was not prepared for emergency situations vis...
Photo illustration IDF Flickr

ESRI is the Microsoft of the geographic information realm. The company supplies the GIS mapping platform -  a pivotal tool for building geographical command...
Photo illust. US Coast Guard

Did you know that 99% of the world’s fire ladder trucks cannot reach above the 7th floor? In times of danger emergency services will...
Photo illustration US Air Force

A lot of data shared digitally by the public is used by public safety and emergency management agencies. During an emergency response, critical supplies...

Locating employees quickly in vast workplaces such as hotels is key to preventing or minimizing incidents. Locating 911 callers ensures that they get help...
firefighter heat detector

  The United States Department of Homeland Security has recently been testing its Burn Saver technology. Burn Saver is a device that gives firemen, soldiers,...
Photo from Silent Falcon Youtube

A new extended model of the Silent Falcon solar electric, fixed wing, UAV has been launched. The EE or Extended Endurance model incorporates the...

The evacuation of residents threatened by natural disasters such as wildfires, flooding and debris flows is challenged by psychological and logistical obstacles. People typically...
first responders

First responders might lose their lives due to poor situational awareness in areas they are being deployed. It’s hard to tell without actually being...

The Marine Air Ground Task Force (MAGTF) are getting a new principal firefighting and crash response vehicle, the P-19R ARFF, which will be able...

Once again, unmanned aerial vehicles prove efficient in helping first responders cope with fire. Drones were instrumental in helping the Parisian firefighters track the...

A new technology integrates an autonomous tethered “kite” drone in emergency vehicles to help provide firefighters with situational awareness. In fact, this is a...

Large scale fires threaten people and property, causing a lot of damage. A helicopter is often used to fight fires, but this mission puts...
location detection

Emergency call centers sometimes find it hard to accurately locate an address when a person uses a cellphone to dial 911. For years, the...
satellite-based solution

When disaster strikes, cell phone networks often go down – whether because of the event or because of the sheer volume of traffic, new...
drone swarm

There are many benefits to using a swarm of smaller drones working together to achieve a common goal in place of one large one,...
fire detection

Wildfires in California are expected to increase, and it is assessed that by 2100 the frequency of extreme wildfires would increase, and the average...
5g communications

Disasters or emergency situations require substantial network resources to sustain and provide wireless connectivity rapidly. The exponential growth in mobile data traffic and in...

The advance in robotics has already spread to first responders such as firefighters. However, the use of robots in the management of wildfires burning...
first trsponders

First Responders risk their lives each and every day. A new software will allow first responders to see building layouts and floor plans on...