Fire Fighting

Fire Fighting

New public safety technologies for first responders are sought by the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). The technological advancements will produce...

Speed and a complete overall picture are key criteria for success when emergency service teams have to make purposeful decisions under time pressure. A...

07First responder teams arriving at a disaster scene often don’t have access to the carrier-based terrestrial LTE network for connecting to all the different...
disaster response

The domestic response to coronavirus crisis in the US is rapidly expanding, yet there are concerns that response capabilities and resources at the local...

Data sharing from human and sensor sources is crucial to the work of first responders during a disaster such as in the case of...
first response in disaster

Prof. Isaac Ashkenazi, MD, an international expert on disaster management and leadership, community resilience, and mass casualty events, considered one of the world’s leading...

A new initiative by the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) advances the studying sensor-based technology to combat wildfires that specifically impact urban areas....
photo illust. by Pixabay

Drones can provide a rapid response to disasters, reaching spots that are not accessible to other means. Communications and connectivity in such incidents play...
first responders use of drones

Law enforcement and first responders have been using drones for more and more missions.  Incident commanders receive critical visual information and situational awareness through the...

Organizations for public safety, including firefighters, law enforcement, among others, are responsible for protecting people in emergencies. These first responders can work effectively only...

The global public safety market was valued at USD 8.58 billion in 2018, and it is expected to reach USD 38.98 billion by 2024,...
video source fusion

First responders often lack information when dealing with emergencies. Despite the thousands of cameras we see on the street, in businesses, at the bank,...
fire extinguishing foam

Environmental considerations urge the development of a new fire extinguishing material. The US Defense Department is working to develop new foams that don't contain...
Firefighters test prototypes

Firefighters in Denver have recently got a preview of potential future technology that can improve their safety and communication capabilities in burning buildings. This...
Photo illust Pexels

Satellite imagery is frequently used for damage assessments following natural disasters, from hurricanes to forest fires, in order to tell responders what infrastructure was...
PHoto illust US Navy

Fire departments don’t only deal with fires. They may be called out to deal with a wide range of gas related incidents. First responders...
AI disaster Response

The United States Pentagon’s AI center is working to develop technology that could help significantly improve response in a wildfire disaster. The United States Department...
747 fight fire

A specially made Boeing 747-400 has recently been contracted by the Bolivian government to help fight wildfires in the Amazon. Once a passenger jet...
Photo illust US Air Force

While drones are proving useful for first responder agencies, the data and information they provide can lack context, making them difficult for first responders...
Photo illust Texas National Guard

Early warning of floods can supply first responders with the critical time needed for the mitigation of the disaster. The US Department of Homeland...
Illustration - Wildfire Map by Gila National Forest

Recently, the Hillsborough River in Florida was flowing at more than 3,020 cubic feet per second, with the river’s surface being at 31.48 feet...
Photo from Pierce website

A new situational awareness system presents original features for firefighters.The Situational Awareness System by Pierce Manufacturing is a self-piloting, actively-tethered aerial device that can...